His voice is deep and I can picture him perfectly. He’s tall, dark, with green eyes, and a body that would make most women faint the moment he took his shirt off.
“Cody? Hey, it’s Kelley McLander. We met a few months ago at the-“
“Yeah, I remember. What can I do for ya?” he asks, shortly.
Oof. He doesn’t seem thrilled to be hearing from me. In which case, I might as well cut to the chase, no point in beating around the bush.
“Well, I was wondering if you knew anything about Vince Logan’s…interests in the underground racing scene.”
I wait a few seconds before speaking again.
“Why do you ask?”
Maybe honesty is the best policy. I shrug. It’s not like I have anything to lose. “He pissed me off and I want to get back at him.”
Cody sighs. “Maybe I’ve heard that he’s into underground racing.”
My heart starts hammering with excitement. “Do you know where? When are these races?”
“No.” His reply is short and absolute. “I’ve got to go.”
He hangs up without another word but at least he confirmed Vince’s involvement. The more I dig, the more it seems to make sense.
My screen has about thirty windows opened. I’ve been piecing together forum posts, veiled references from interviews conducted, and financial anomalies all of which lead to one thing: there is absolutely no way Vince’s fortunes continue to expand simply from the prize money of the official races from which he’s known for.
Even with the many declared businesses he’s involved in, he shouldn’t be as wealthy as he is. From Cody’s cold but definitive response, I know I’ve got Vince by the balls. I smile to myself as I turn my computer off and turn to find my roommate, Marcy, a hair’s breadth from my side.
Her long, black curls fall to the middle of her back. She has large, brown, almond shaped eyes, and perfect lips. She’s probably the prettiest woman I know.
“So what’s your plan?” Marcy asks, taking a seat on the desk. She pushes my laptop aside to make more room.
I grin wickedly. “I want to infiltrate the underground racing club.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. “Are you nuts? It’s a rumored club first of all, and second of all that’s dangerous. We don’t even know where it is.”
“I have a really good idea.”
Marcy looks even less thrilled with my confidence than she did when we started this conversation. “Where then?”
“The abandoned part of town.”
“There’s nothing there besides falling down, brick buildings and a few rotted cars.”
I shake my head. “I think those cars are like checkpoints or something.”
She rolls her eyes in disbelief. “This is absurd, Kelley.”
“Oh, c’mon. Get dressed and come with me.”
She sighs, but an hour later she and I are standing next to one of the rusty, abandoned cars. We’re on the outskirts of the city. There’s nothing here, no people walking, or even driving by. The bridge that once connected this part of town to the center of the city was deemed unsafe by the DOT and that was the beginning of the end for the businesses in this area.
“Now what?” she asks.