Page 20 of Captured By Fate

Steadying my breath, I reply evenly, "Men who take what they want, damn right or wrong. Who see people as pawns." I hold Jackson's gaze. "I won't be part of your games."

Jackson studies me, expression unreadable. For a moment I wonder if I've gone too far. But then he smiles tightly.

"I'm hurt. I'm just a businessman conducting affairs. It's nothing personal."

His lame justification revolts me. "You could at least let Marcy go.”

“But I’m just dying to meet her.” Vince scoffs.

Anger burns in my eyes, but I won’t let the tears fall.

“It’s simple,” Jackson says, leaning into his cup of coffee like the day is business as usual. “Once I see that you’re not a threat to my business, I’ll let you go. Marcy will be just fine, as long as you cooperate.”

Cooperate? He must be kidding.

But when I think about him, he’s got me, my best friend, even my panties. I don’t really have anything to leverage myself out of this, unless I do what he asks.

Vince’s stinging laughter has me shaking my head at the predicament, and the ultimatum before me.

The two men eye me, waiting for an answer. Their cruelty only hardens my resolve. I will fight, survive, and regain my freedom, no matter the cost. They underestimate me, but that will be their downfall. My will remains my own.



“So, what’s it going to be, Kelley?”

As I sit across from her, waiting for an answer, a chill spreads across the table.

Kelley’s dark brown eyes soften for a moment, as she looks down at her plate. She spoons a mouthful of eggs into her mouth, and for a moment, it seems apparent that she’ll comply. Until she spits the food all over the table, all over me, before shoving her plate away.

“I see,” I smile, wiping the egg off my face. Her eyes are narrowed towards me, and doubly so towards Vince, indicating that there’s still plenty of work left in taming this shrew.

“I’d rather starve,” she says definitely, shrugging herself into a ball on the patio chair.

“Then so be it,” I say rising, throwing the napkin on the table.

“I’m headed back to work, Jackson,” Vince says, laughter in his voice as he pushes away from the table. “You two obviously need some time alone.”

Watching him go, I realize now is the time to jerk the chain.

I turn back to Kelley, her petite frame drowning in my shirt as she glares at me defiantly. Such spirit, even in the face of utter vulnerability. It's admirable, in its own way. And deeply enticing.

"I do enjoy that fiery spark in you," I muse, watching her bristle. "But defiance will only make things harder for you here."

"I don't care," she retorts bitterly. "I won't bend to your will just to avoid punishment."

I step closer, intrigued by her audacity. "Is that so? And just how far are you willing to go in this little rebellion of yours?"

She meets my gaze unflinchingly. "As far as it takes. I won't break for you, or any man."

I can't help but grin at her bold words. She really has no idea who she's provoking. I'll take great pleasure in taming that insolent tongue of hers.

Leaning down to her ear, I whisper, "We'll see about that. I'll have you on your knees begging for mercy soon enough."

I swear I see a visible shiver run through her, though her eyes flash with defiance still. Delightful. This kitten has claws. I intend to savor every moment of stripping away that stubborn pride of hers.

And I'm confident her body will bend long before her spirit does. All the more rewarding when she finally submits completely to my will.