"We've located your brother," he says his face breaking into a broad smile.
"He's dehydrated but okay. He's alive Miss Brandt!"
I feel like I'm moving through water. I look from one detective to the other, afraid to believe I heard them right. I can't take more heartbreak.
"He's alive?"
"Yes Ma'am. Your brother is a hero, he saved two other passengers. They were floating in a small raft miles away from the wreck."
"But he's alive?" I say dumbly.
"Yes Ma'am."
"When can I see him? Take me to him ..."
Everything jumps back to normal time. I want to see him. The last three days I believed him dead. I have to see him, to touch him.
"He'll be home in a couple of hours. The medics are giving him some fluids and the investigators are asking some questions."
I close my eyes inhaling deeply. "Thank God," I exhale.
Chapter nine
Ben's arrival is heralded by sirens. The crowd outside cheers as the police vehicles break through their line ahead of the limo he rides in. They circle around until the limo is parked directly in front of the house.
Two paramedics climb out of the front of the limo and position themselves to either side as the driver opens Ben's door. One of them reaches in and takes his hand as he steps out of the confining darkness.
Ben rises up and turns to look at the crowd of reporters and admirers. I see as he turns that he's badly sunburned and looks a bit wan but he raises one hand and waves at them. They cheer and camera flashes explode in the evening dusk. A news reporter runs up the drive towards Ben but the police move and intercept him. Ben waves once more then turns and is assisted into the house by the paramedics.
They bring equipment with them taking him straight to his bedroom where they set him up in his bed. Esmeralda and I hang back letting them work. I watch as they get my brother settled and he pushes them away, telling them exactly what he will and will not do. Ben's in charge, even now.
At last we're alone. I stand in his doorway staring at him resting. They said he would need to sleep as much as possible but that he's mostly just dehydrated. His chest rises and falls evenly as I watch. Quietly as possible I walk over to the side of his bed and sit on the edge. His hand is on top of the comforter and I rest my own on it gently. He grabs my hand as his eyes fly open.
"Vic?" he asks.
"I'm here Ben," I say.
His grip is strong enough to almost hurt. He looks at me a moment then relaxes.
"Thank god you're okay," I say. "I was so scared ..."
He looks away from me and then back with an intensity to his eyes. "You were scared?" he ask.
"Of course I was! How could you even ask?"
He looks away again moving his hand from mine. He stares at the wall a long moment before he speaks again. "I thought you hated me."
My throat clenches as my heart leaps into it and I can't respond. He thought I hated him? I thought he hated me. Tears well up but I try to hold them back.
"I ..."
I can't speak. I can't get the words past the lump in my throat. He turns to look at me and his face is no longer a mask. I see pain and something more, so much more. I see longing.
"I love you Vic," he says reaching out to cup my face in his strong hand.
I can't hold the tears back, they burst like a broken dam. He pulls me down to him and I rest my head on his chiseled chest letting it all flow out. At last my throat relaxes enough I can try to speak.
"I love you Ben," I say.