Page 55 of Savage

His eyes met mine through the open door and he shook his head and rolled his eyes as if to say fucking kids. I chuckled as he joined me and we waited for the other car to move.

“He’s right. There are other spaces you know?” I pointed out with mild amusement. Jaxon shot me a bland look.

“I know but that’s not the point. The little shit thought he’d get away with it. Nobody cuts me up.”

“Well, you certainly made your point,” I replied as I motioned towards the lad’s car as he reversed past us flipping us off with a grin. They were all back in there and smiling, amazing how their courage had now returned.

Once we had parked the car in said space, Jaxon shot around the bonnet, his eyes glued to mine through the windscreen. He looked devilishly handsome, the altercation with the boys had added fuel to that fire under the surface. Stoked the beast in him; the one that liked to roar in the face of challenge. My stepbrother really did get his rocks off on confrontation.

Jaxon then opened my door as I was gathering the folds of my dress and helped me down. Like a perfect gentleman, the opposite of the aggressive man who had been about to rough up a group of teenagers. They were dressed casually and so wouldn’t be at Mattie and Alex’s party thank goodness. I didn’t fancy Jaxon having the opportunity of getting his revenge for that rude finger gesture. Mattie had purposefully stated in the invite that guests were to wear black tie; hence my overly fancy attire and Jaxon’s tux.

As we walked into the hotel, the sound of music hit my ears. They must have hired a band and it added to that party-like atmosphere. The melody was unique and miles apart from those disco do’s you attended that still played I am the Music Man, Jive Bunny, and the Birdie Song! Perrish the thought!

The ballroom was located at the back of the hotel and it had been decorated beautifully. There were circular tables which surrounded the dancefloor which was currently lit up by stars. The pattern was caused by lights on the ceiling and a variety of ballgown-wearing dancers.

The party was in full flow. We approached Mattie who drew me in for a hug and then shook hands with Jaxon.

“Welcome. So glad you made it. Alex’s is around here somewhere, although I warn you, we’re both already smashed,” he confessed, his cheeks bright pink. Jaxon chuckled from beside me.

“And why not? It’s your big day after all!” I replied, handing him the card from my bag. He took it with a thank you.

Looking back and forth between us Mattie explained with a cheeky grin, “So, I’m surprised you two came together after what Amy told me.”

We both attempted to put him right by speaking over each other before I addressed Jaxon, “Sorry, you go.”

His reply pleased me. “We’ve made a temporary truce. For one night only of course.”

Mattie’s grin became meatier and he nudged me with his elbow. He looked a bit ruffled and his tie was missing. “Lucky bitch,” he whispered with a wink at Jaxon.

I felt Jaxon shuffle uncomfortably beside me but he managed to crack a smile.

Mattie then danced off with his card and Jaxon led me to the bar.

He purchased a bottle of champagne and after checking the seating plan, we walked over toward our table for the evening. No one was sitting, they were all standing around in huddles, chatting or swaying to the music. I spotted Jenna and Nixon over by the window with the baby, my Auntie and Uncle by their side.

I held up my empty champagne flute to say hi and they waved. I would go and see them later.

A frisson of heat skirted up my arm as I felt Jaxon's strong hand at my elbow, guiding me through the crowd of partygoers. He was so huge and manly by my side and I acknowledged that I was with the best-looking man in the room. So handsome. I so hoped he thought me pretty in my dress. At that thought I realised how amazing my about-face was in respect of Jaxon. Having spent such a long time disliking him and not caring what he thought, now it appeared that’s all I cared about. I blamed Jenna.

We came to stand by our table and I placed the glass and my bag down. Jaxon opened and poured champagne into our two glasses as our friends and my family surrounded us.

Boyd McKenna was there with what I assumed was his date. She was looking up at him in awe, totally love-struck. Poor girl. Amy and Mason appeared from around the speaker; Amy admiring my dress and I hers. She looked stunning, draped in purple lace and I noticed Mason's dicky bow matched that shade perfectly. Very co-ordinated which was a surprise considering how different their opinions had been in the past. To think Amy and Mason had been at war since they were children; they now looked as tight as a loved-up couple could.

“Fuck me, Wynter. That dress is—amazing. It would look better on my bedroom floor of course,” Boyd cut in with a saucy wink. A smile accompanied my eye roll. The eye roll was for Boyd, the smile for his date; poor girl.

Boyd McKenna was a handsome guy but very much a player. He had made Jenna’s life a living hell when she had first moved in with Nixon at Lamb Hill Farm. Amy had explained that she and Jenna saw Boyd as a brother now and I was pleased for them. I took a glance across the ballroom at Jenna, my God, she was stunning. You couldn’t be mean to someone like Jenna Taylor-Joy for long; she was the sweetest, most beautiful girl I had ever known. All my male friends used to fancy her.

“Does that shit ever work? That’s like a dodgy chat-up line from the 70’s,” Nixon drawled, appearing in between his two younger brothers. He was still scary to look at; very handsome but he carried that edge of danger and threat.

“Well, you’d know old man,” Jaxon boomed with a bark of laughter. I knew from Jenna that Nixon had turned thirty and was a bit on the touchy side about his age.

“Up yours, you cocky little sod,” Nixon batted back as they fist-bumped. “You look stunning Wynter.” Even his compliment was forceful. There was nothing soft about the man; Jenna was his softness I imagined. They’d even each other out.

With a twist to his lips, Boyd nudged his date so hard that some of her drink sploshed out.

“To be honest, I’ve never needed to resort to lines. Once they see the good stuff, they’re all over me like flies.” Boyd boasted. He said it in a jokey way but you could tell his date wasn’t amused.

“Flies buzz around other substances too Boyd,” Amy added, giving her boyfriend Mason a playful smirk. He chuckled as did Nixon and Jaxon.