He needed to get her back. Not for his sake, but for hers. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for her losing herself. He had introduced her to his world and the people in it. While most were good, all it took was one to tarnish everything.

Coming here had been difficult, but he knew it wasn’t a mistake. As difficult as this was and as much distance as she was putting between them, it was all worth it to see her. It was worth it to try, even though things weren’t looking good at the moment. She wanted him to leave, but it was the last thing he wanted to do. He never wanted to leave her again.

He could grant her wish and walk out the door if he thought that was what she truly wanted, but there was still a small hope in him. Despite her tough exterior, there was something in the way she looked at him that told him that it wasn’t over. Walking away now would be hard. She would move back to Indiana and he would probably never see her again. It pained him to think about it, but he would move on eventually. Maybe. Probably not. A small part of him would always hold a piece of her in his heart.

As hard as it would be to walk out that door and never talk to her again, it was still the easier option out of the two he had. The other option was to stay and fight for her. For them. To open up in a way he never had in years. Tell her about his past. Fully let her in. He shut his eyes tightly as he considered the second option.

The thought of opening his heart again and cracking himself open to share the vulnerability within was scary as hell. He did not want to get hurt again, but he knew he would regret it if he didn’t tell her the truth. He knew his time of standing in this house was running out.

He watched as she started for the stairs. It wasn’t an invitation. It was time for him to leave. She placed her hand on the banister and took one step up.

Kenny took in a deep breath. “I had a fiancée once,” he blurted out.

He watched as she paused on the stairs, but didn’t turn around. He continued anyway.

“Her name was Sylvie. She was my high school sweetheart. The love of my life, or so I thought. I was young. When you’re young, it all seems so easy. So pure. So clear.”

He watched as Cleo’s shoulders rose as she took in a deep breath. She remained frozen on the stairs, her back still facing him. At least she was listening. He would take what he could get.

“We were going to get married. We talked about our wedding and all our plans for the future. Then, in college, she took an internship across the country. We promised each other we would make it work. And we did. For a short while.”

Cleo’s hand gripped the banister tighter and then loosened as she listened quietly.

“When her birthday rolled around, I flew to California to surprise her. I was so excited to see her. I had it all planned in my head. I imagined the look on her face when she opened the door. My heart was so full. I was so blinded by what I thought we were that I saw past the unanswered texts and the fewer calls from the weeks before.”

Kenny swallowed hard as he remembered how high his hopes had been on that flight, on the drive to her apartment, on the stairs up to it. He hadn’t thought about the details in so long, it was hard to keep it together. But he knew he had to keep going. Maybe it wouldn’t fix things, but maybe it would explain why he was the way he was. He cleared his throat because he could feel his voice start to tremble.

“When I got to her apartment, I knocked on the door and was met by an older man. I thought there had been some mistake. Maybe I had the wrong apartment. But then I heard her voice, and I saw her. The way she looked at me was earth shattering. She looked shocked, scared, and disgusted. All mixed together in a painful cocktail. I’ll never forget that look.

“Turned out, he was her boss. Married with kids. It was all so messy. It knocked the air straight out of me. I just ran. I ran out down the hallway with them both gaping at me from the doorway. I went straight back to the airport and flew home. All I got was a text saying we were so young and she was scared to miss out on life. Something like that.

“We didn’t talk again until a few years later. When I had gotten signed to the major leagues, she reached out. She was the last person I expected to hear from again. She said she had made a mistake. That she had left her boss and wanted to make things work. That we had too much of a past to give up on. A small part of me had always hoped she would come back to me one day, so I agreed to see her when she came in town.

“Except when we reunited, I didn’t even recognize her anymore. Sure, she looked the same. Maybe a few years older, but inside was rotten. She was more concerned with dollar signs and fancy restaurants and being seen. She didn’t want me. She wanted the lifestyle. She wasn’t the girl I grew up with. She wasn’t the girl I had fallen in love with.

“You see, infidelity seems to be a theme in my life. I recently found out that I have a brother. He was actually at that party. It’s all been so complicated lately. Our father wanted nothing to do with me because I was his illegitimate son. He had fooled my mother into thinking she was the only one, but he was full-blown married with a son and a reputation he cherished more than being an actual father.

“My mother never asked for a goddamn penny from that man. He even offered a hefty sum for her to keep her mouth shut, which she did. But she did it for free. She was too proud. She raised me on her own, working multiple jobs to make sure I had everything I needed. When I became old enough to realize the sacrifices she made for me, I vowed that I would become successful on my own. I would prove I didn’t need my father, and I would take care of my mother as she had taken care of me. And then some.

“I threw myself into baseball to make that dream come true. I also did it to stay distracted and closed off from love. I wanted nothing to do with it. I swore I would stay away from it, but… Cleo, I wasn’t expecting you.”

He let out a deep breath after the hell of a monologue he had just delivered to her. He hadn’t expected to lay everything out there, especially the part about his father and his long-lost brother. But once he started, it was hard to stop. It felt good to let it all out. Terrifying, but good. Now, at least, she knew everything.

His feet shifted nervously as he waited. Kenny studied her just in case it would be the last time he saw her. He wondered if she would ever turn around. As if reading his thoughts, she turned around and stepped down, letting go of the banister. He saw tears falling from her eyes and onto her rosy cheeks. He wondered how long she had been crying for. Seeing her this way was almost too much to bear. He wanted to rush to her and take her in his arms, but he stayed put as she looked at him sadly. He didn’t want to see her flinch again, not at his touch.

He took a single, slow step toward her.

“I know I’m damaged goods, but I can’t let that be an excuse anymore. I don’t want to continue letting my messed up past ruin my future.”

Cleo watched him warily as he took another step and moved closer. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

Kenny was now right in front of her and looked at her intently. “I know I fucked this up. Please let me fix this. I want you. I want us more than you know. That night we had together. Here. It was the best night of my life. I shouldn’t have left you like that, that morning. If you give me a chance, I won’t ever leave you again,” he continued. He didn’t take another step. He wanted her to make the next move, but only if she wanted to.

He stood patiently, watching her as she chewed on her cheek. She was deep in thought while looking at the floor. He didn’t know how this would end. If this was the last time he would see her, he wanted to take her all in. Her long chestnut hair that fell in waves at her shoulders. Her fair, soft skin. Her rosy cheeks. Her plump lips. Her dark brown eyes. Her curves that she tried to hide most of the time. Her beauty.

He stood up straighter as she took a step toward him and looked up at him as if bracing himself for what would come next. He felt a little relief to see her eyes soften as she saw the hopefulness in his.

“So…exactly how rich are you?” She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.