
“Yes, as soon as you walked in the kitchen, that handsome CEO-type came over and loaded up a plate. I watched them devour everything.”

Cleo was happy her desserts were a hit, but pissed that Kenny was too scared to come over himself.

“Well, I’m glad everything was a hit. You should probably get back out there. I’ll finish up in here.”

Elle pushed herself from the counter and gave Cleo a little salute before she disappeared back to the party.

Why was Kenny being so immature? He was acting like a scared little boy and Cleo could feel her sadness was starting to turn to anger. She took a deep breath and continued drying the trays. She was better off, anyway.

Someone walked into the kitchen. For a moment, she hoped it would be Kenny, but when she turned around, she felt a pit of dread in her stomach. It was Kev. The creep from the bar. She rolled her eyes and started placing the dessert trays back in the cabinets, ignoring him.

She could feel his eyes on her, making her uncomfortable as she stood on her tiptoes and her dress slid up slightly. She set the tray down quickly and pulled at her dress before turning around to face him.

“I’m just packing up in here. Do you need something?” Cleo crossed her arms.

“I was looking for something sweet. I heard you’re just the girl.” Kev leaned against the fridge wearing that awful smirk of his.

“Well, I’m fresh out. There might be some cake left. My assistant can help you out with that.” Cleo waved toward the kitchen door.

“I don’t need any more cake.” He pushed himself up from the fridge and took a slow step toward her.

“Well, I’m not sure what I can do for you then.”

“I think you do.” Kev swirled his drink around before taking a sip. Cleo listened to the ice cubes clink in his glass. She suddenly felt very aware of every sound and every movement he made. She also suddenly felt very aware of how distant the party sounded. Her ears strained to hear if anyone was coming.

“I really need to get back to work.”

“Always playing hard to get.” Kev shook his head, amused, as he took another step toward her.

“I’m just here to work. I’m not interested in anything else.” Cleo took a step backward.

“Just give me a chance.”

Cleo took another step and her back hit the counter. There was nowhere else to go. She was trapped and looked at the doorway of the kitchen. She thought she should yell out, but she didn’t want to make a scene. He was probably just drunk and running his mouth.

She gripped the counter behind her as he took another step toward her. He was slow in his movements, like a predator approaching his prey. Soon, his face was inches from hers. She could smell the vodka on his breath and it made her shudder. She tried to side-step him, but he put his hands over hers on the counter and held them down.

“Let me go,” said Cleo sternly.

Kev ignored her and held her hands even tighter as he pressed his body against hers. She pulled her face away from his and went to cry out, but then his lips were on hers. She pressed her lips shut tightly and tried to move away, but he was crushing her under the weight of his body. There was nowhere to go.

Cleo then made a choice, and not an easy one. It took everything in her to act like she was enjoying it. He let his tongue part her lips and she pressed her body into his. She even let out a little moan to really sell it. He loosened his grip on her hands and moved his hands to her hair. Now was her chance. She grabbed a pan hanging behind her and slammed it into his head.

He stumbled backward, landing on the floor.

“You stupid bitch,” he spat at her, but he stayed on the floor, holding his head.

She quickly ran around the kitchen island, grabbing her phone and bag and running down the hallway. She pushed past a few party guests, catching them off guard, but she didn’t care. She found a bathroom and locked herself inside.

Her heart was pounding out of her chest and she felt like she was suffocating. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw a scared little girl looking back at her. She burst into tears. She was sick to her stomach. She could still taste him. The last thing she had wanted to do was kiss him, but she didn’t know what else to do. She had to act weak in order to be strong.

She turned the sink on and cupped water in her hands, splashing it on her face and rinsing her mouth out. She continued until she was sure she couldn’t taste the vodka or his tongue anymore. She dried her splotchy face and sat on the toilet. After a few deep breaths, she texted Elle:

I have to go. It’s an emergency.

Cleo’s phone immediately rang. It was Elle. Probably looking for an explanation. Probably worried by her lack of explanation. Cleo hit the ignore button. She was not ready to talk about what just happened. Her phone rang again and she ignored it.