Last night had been one of the best he’s ever had. It was spontaneous and passionate and unlike anything he’d ever felt before. When he had left New York, he had no idea he would end up here. It was almost like instinct. His hands turned the steering wheel and his foot pressed the brake where it needed to, as he followed his memory to Cleo’s house.
It had been late. Really late. But lucky for him, she had been working that night and showing up in the early hours of the morning didn’t matter. When he had turned down her street, he had gone over what he might say. How could he explain himself for his abrupt exit the other night? How could he explain he was damaged goods, but somehow was drawn to her? Except when he saw her, the words escaped him. He let his mouth do the talking.
The shower had been unexpected. Everything had been. She was so much more beautiful than he could ever imagined with her soft, supple skin and curves he could gently dig his fingers into. The way she was unnecessarily self-conscious when he took her clothes off. He hoped he had done his job in reassuring her there was absolutely nothing to worry about.
They moved to the bedroom, but did not sleep for hours. They didn’t talk either, which was what made the morning that much more difficult because he had to leave now. He had an early morning meeting with his coach to talk about his sudden absence the past few days. He couldn’t miss it.
He watched her sleep a little while longer, before gently pulling his arm out from under her. She stirred slightly, but then gently snored and was back in a deep sleep. He pushed the sheets off him and slowly climbed out of the bed. It was difficult to leave the cloud of blankets and the warmth of her body. He searched for his clothes and pulled them on swiftly. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before walking carefully out the door, closing it behind him.
As much as he’d like to skip this morning meeting of being chewed out by his coach, it was probably better this way. When she woke up, she would probably want to talk about everything. He still didn’t know what to say or how to explain anything. He would probably say something that would hurt her, and he couldn’t bear to see that look on her face again. She probably didn’t want to hear “I want you, but I don’t want you” or “I’m not looking for anything serious, but last night was fun” or “I’m scared of getting hurt again.” He had a lot to sort through.
Krnny walked down the stairs and looked around for something to write a note on. He wasn’t going to just leave without a word. He wasn’t a monster. A note felt more personal than a text. He looked around and found a pad of paper near her recipe books in the kitchen. He smiled as he read her notes on a new cake recipe. Her passion for baking was a turn-on. It meant she had her own thing going on. Her own brain. Her own dreams.
He found a pen in a drawer and jotted down something down quickly:
Thank you for last night. I’m sorry I had to leave. Talk soon.
He left it near her coffeemaker and walked to the front door, taking in his surroundings before he left. He hoped he would be here again, but couldn’t feel confident. He climbed into his car and turned the key in the ignition, hoping it wouldn’t wake her. Sports cars were sleek, but a little noisy. He pulled out of the driveway and drove home. It was early enough to take a shower and prepare for his meeting.
His coach had texted him late last night:
8 AM. Tomorrow. My office.
It wasn’t a question.
Kenny arrived home to a quiet house. Nico must have still been sleeping. He took a hot shower and couldn’t help but think about last night in Cleo’s bathroom. It would have been a much better shower if she was here with him, but he would definitely be late. After his shower he dried off and put on some workout clothes. He might as well get a workout in at the gym, since he would be over there anyway. Maybe a sweat session would help him clear his head.
He walked to the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on, then leaned against the counter and breathed in the aroma of coffee beans that filled the air. Sliding his phone out of his pocket, he checked if there was any text from her, but there was nothing. He breathed a little sigh of relief. She was probably still sleeping.
He heard someone clear their throat and saw Nico shuffle slowly into the kitchen. Kenny gave him a nod before pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Want a cup?”
“Yes, please,” said Nico as he sat at the counter and groggily put his head in his hands.
“Late night?”
“Yeah. I really have to limit my nights out.”
“Probably a good idea with the big game coming up.”
“And what about you? Where have you been?”
“I drove back from New York late last night.” Kenny hoped he wouldn’t ask too many questions.
“I didn’t hear you get in.”
“I’m sure you don’t remember much of anything.” Kenny shrugged.
“That’s true.” Nico laughed. “Did you talk to coach yet?”
“I’m meeting with him at eight. How bad was he?”
“He was pretty pissed, especially with the game so soon. I told him you were sick, so stick with that or both of our asses will be in hot water.”
“Thanks, man. I owe you.” Kenny raised his coffee mug before taking a sip.
“You’d better go,” said Nico, checking his phone for the time. “You don’t want to piss him off any more.”