“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I know you don’t, but maybe you need to. Just get it all out, so you can move on.”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it.” Kenny could feel himself getting irritated.

“If this girl has you all tied up in knots then maybe she’s worth pursuing.”

Kenny got up from the couch to let Justin know the conversation was over. Justin put his hands up in defeat and headed to the kitchen. He came back with two glasses of water and some Advil. Kenny took it appreciatively. He felt bad for his attitude, but when it came to Sylvie, it was a sore subject.

“I know you’re trying to help. I just don’t know if I’m ready.”


“I think I better head back tonight. I’m sure my coach is livid, based on the string of unread texts from Nico.”

“Probably a good idea. You’re a bad influence.” Justin groaned and held a hand to his head.

Kenny laughed as he went to the bathroom to wash up. They headed to lunch for some hangover food and a little hair of the dog. When they were both feeling better, they went over some of Kenny’s investments to see how things were going. By the time they were finished, it was already 9 p.m., and Kenny had to make the drive back home. He could not miss another practice.

The drive back to Boston went by quickly and he was thankful his hangover was subsiding. When he made it into the city, he found himself driving through it and into the suburbs. He didn’t know what his next move was, but he had to see Cleo.

Chapter 15


Cleo glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 12 a.m. She yawned and shook her head to wake herself up. There were still two more hours before closing time. She should have accepted Bridget’s offer earlier when she was placing a coffee order for the staff.

She didn’t know if it was the rainy weather that was making her tired, or that fact that she’d had two sleepless nights since the incident with Kenny at his condo. She couldn’t help replaying the night in her head and trying to understand what happened. It was driving her crazy. She was not about to text him and ask him. She would look like a total fool. Although, she did miss texting him. She always lit up at his good morning texts or his random memes throughout the day.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and sighed disappointedly, seeing there were no notifications. Just then she saw a few guys from the team walk in, including that creep Kev. She eyed him with dread, but was happy to see Nico walk in behind him. He gave her a little wave and a smile. For a second her heart skipped in hopes that Kenny was with them. But the door shut behind Nico. There was no one else. She bit her cheek in disappointment as Bridget sat them at their normal table.

Besides them being there, the bar was pretty quiet. It was a nice change of pace, but Cleo would have appreciated some more business as a distraction. Now that some of his teammates were here, it was going to be impossible not to think of Kenny.

Bridget walked up and leaned against the bar, looking at their table. “I wasn’t expecting them tonight.”

“Neither was I,” said Cleo.

“Looks like they brought the creep with them.” Bridget shook her head.

Cleo bit her lip nervously, and glanced over at their table.

Kev was looking right at her with that stupid smirk of his. She cleared her throat in disgust.

“Don’t worry. I’ll deal with them tonight. You won’t have to go anywhere near him.”

“Thank you,” said Cleo, fighting back a yawn.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just a little tired. I should have taken you up on that iced coffee earlier.”

“You look exhausted, and I don’t mean that in a bad way, but in an ‘I’m worried about you’ way.” Bridget put her hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry. I probably look like a wreck.” Cleo brushed her hand through her hair self-consciously,

Bridget waved her off. “I don’t care what you look like. I care about how you’re feeling.”

“I’ll be fine.” Cleo gave her boss a reassuring smile.