“She’s been seeing a professional athlete,” said Elle.
“I’d hardly call it seeing,” said Cleo.
“Anyone I know?” Brad leaned against the counter and took a bite of pasta from a Tupperware.
“Yeah, what is his name?” Elle nudged Cleo.
“Kenny. Kenny Matthews.”
“Ah, the shortstop. Dang, girl. You got game.” Brad looked at her impressed.
“Hardly. He and his roommate basically hired me to cater an event. That’s all it was.”
“Yeah, but he wiped flour off her face in a seductive way,” Elle chimed in and wiggled her eyebrows at Brad.
Brad raised his eyebrows as he swallowed another bite. He looked at Cleo with pride.
“It was not seductive.” Cleo laughed, shoving her friend.
“Sounds seductive,” said Brad.
“I’m going home.” Cleo took a last bite of ice cream before putting it on the coffee table. She stood up and shook her head at the two of them. She walked past the kitchen to the door, grabbing her purse from the counter. Elle stood and followed behind, stopping in the kitchen to grab Brad’s fork. She took a bite of pasta.
“Don’t give up on this guy yet.” She waved her fork at Cleo, her mouth full.
“Yeah, please don’t. I’d love season tickets,” said Brad enthusiastically.
“Brad!” Cleo gave him a playful shove.
“What? It’s worth a shot.” He shrugged before taking back his fork.
Cleo couldn’t help but laugh. She looked at the two of them and smiled. She loved Brad for Elle, and was so happy they had found each other. It might not be as saucy as Elle would want, but their relationship was steady and loving, like an old married couple. It was exactly what Cleo wanted. She felt a little pang in her heart over Kenny, but tried to ignore it. That would never be them. That was clear after tonight.
Elle walked over and gave her a big hug. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night? We could have a slumber party like the old days.”
“Hey, what about me?” asked Brad, concerned.
“You can sleep on the couch,” said Elle.
“It’s okay. I’ll be okay. Thanks, though.” Cleo reached out and hugged Elle, and saw a look of relief spread across Brad’s face.
“Text me if you need anything, okay?” Elle hugged her back tightly.
“Okay, thanks.”
Cleo opened the door and waved a quick goodbye before walking down the hallway to the stairs. She already felt better. It was amazing what good friends could do. On the drive home, she listened to some feel-good music, and had almost forgotten the night at Kenny’s. Almost.
As she opened the door to her house and walked into the kitchen, she was reminded of what she truly wanted. She knew this was probably for the best. She had her dream to focus on. This party was the first big step to getting there. It would hopefully get her name out there and open doors that were shut before. She would treat this party and Kenny solely as business, which it was. Once it was over, she wouldn’t have to see him again.
She was going to open up that bakery, and nothing was going to get in the way of that. Especially not some guy. Besides, it wasn’t like they were in a relationship. Not even close. They were friends. Not even that. They were business associates. That’s it.
Chapter 14
Kenny woke up groggily and forced his eyes open to the sunlight pouring through the floor-to-ceiling window. He groaned as he rolled over and looked out over the city. It was already awake with people walking the sidewalks with the morning coffee, heading to work with their heads down. He could hear the taxis honking in the busy traffic of the streets. New York was definitely louder than Boston.
He had driven up to see Justin on a whim, after he had left Cleo sitting speechless in the kitchen. He needed the long drive to clear his head. While he drove, he wondered what was wrong with him. He took a perfectly good night and ruined it in a second because… what? He was having a good time with a woman? A good woman. He shook his head as he thought about what an ass he had been.