“Earth to Kenny!” Nico nudged him.

“Sorry, what?” Kenny broke out of his thoughts.

“You haven’t even finished your shot.”

“Oh, right.” Kenny drank the rest and set his shot glass on the table.

“Atta boy.”

Kenny shook his head, smiling, and glanced around the table. As much as he liked his teammates, he wasn’t close with many of them, besides Nico. They were more like colleagues and party mates than friends. The truth was, Kenny had a hard time trusting many people. And it wasn’t just because of Sylvie.

He had recently found out he had a brother, which wasn’t a big surprise, as his father had a bit of a reputation back in the day. Kenny had never met his father, but he knew who he was. His mother had told him when he was old enough to understand. His father was a successful businessman in the city, and as unfaithful as they came. The marriage was a façade for all the things he did behind the scenes. One of those things being Kenny’s mother.

When she had told him that she was pregnant, Kenny’s father offered to pay her off. Not the fairytale ending she was hoping for, she refused. The combination of her pride and her broken heart couldn’t accept the money. Even without the money, she never said a word, until she told Kenny when he was thirteen.

The money could have been useful for the two of them. His mother worked three jobs just to pay the rent and keep food on the table. She resented his father for his money, but stood strong in her stance not to ask for help. While he didn’t have much growing up, Kenny loved his childhood and his mother fiercely.

While finding out he had a brother wasn’t a surprise, finding out it was someone he knew was not something Kenny was prepared for. It turned out that his brother, Nate, was a business partner to the team’s owner, Jonas. Nate must have been unaware because he hadn’t said anything or approached Kenny about it. It was probably better that way, although Kenny couldn’t help feeling some resentment toward his older brother. The brother his father actually wanted and raised.

“Hey, hey, hey.” A voice broke through Kenny’s thoughts. He looked up and saw his best friend, Justin.

“Hey, man. Make some room, guys.”

The team scooched in and Justin eased himself into the booth, letting out a sigh.

“Did you just get in?” asked Kenny.

“About an hour ago. Sorry I missed the game.” Justin loosened his tie.

“No worries, man. We still on for tomorrow?” Kenny asked.

“Yes. Nine a.m. at your place?”

Kenny nodded. They had set up this meeting last week to go over Kenny’s investments. Justin was his advisor and often came in town from New York on business. He had been a godsend since Kenny was drafted and had more money than he knew what to do with. Growing up with less than most, Kenny was determined to be smart with his money and help take care of his mother. He wanted to prove he didn’t need his father.

“Should we order another round of drinks, boys?” Nico asked.

“Bartender!” Chad shouted.

Kenny glanced at the bar and watched as she seemed to literally put a smile on her face. He had the sudden urge to see what a genuine smile looked like, and wondered if he could be the one to give her one.

She ducked under the bar counter door and walked over to their booth, keeping her eyes on the floor. It wasn’t until she was at the table that she looked up. She looked at everyone except Kenny, which made him feel the slightest tinge of insecurity.

“Would you boys like another round?” she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Let’s do another round of shots and a round of the pale ale,” said Chad, flashing a smile.

“I’m on it.” She turned toward the bar, but quickly snuck in a glance at Kenny that he wasn’t expecting. He quickly looked down. What was wrong with him? Nerves weren’t his thing. Especially with women.

“Where’s Bridget?” Justin asked curiously.

Nico shrugged.

Kenny, forgetting the pretty bartender’s name, saw his opportunity. “Yeah, what’s our bartender’s name again?”

“Katie? Connie? Carrie?” Chad started listing off names.

“No, no. It’s something you don’t hear very often,” said Nico, squinting his eyes in thought.