“Yeah, I might have to order a few dozen more desserts. I hope that’s okay.”
“Yeah, I’m sure I can manage it. No problem.”
Kenny set the pastry boxes carefully on the kitchen counter. He peeked inside one of the boxes and shook his head in amazement. The miniature cupcakes looked identical and they smelled decadent.
“These look amazing, Cleo.”
“Go on. Open the rest up.” She smiled at him. He could sense she felt proud, and it made him feel warm inside to see that confidence in her.
Kenny carefully opened each box while Cleo took a seat at the kitchen counter. Nico grabbed a few plates from the cabinet.
“You know what would go great with these?”
Kenny and Cleo looked at him questioningly.
“Some wine. What do you say, Cleo? Can you stay for a glass?”
Kenny continued unboxing the pastries, but glanced at her from the side of his eye. He watched as a nervous look came over her. He so badly wanted her to say yes.
“Uh, sure. That would be great.” She looked down at her hands and Kenny watched a small smile form on her lips. He shot Nico a bemused look.
“You’re welcome,” mouthed Nico.
“Red or white?” asked Nico, as he opened up the wine fridge.
“Red would probably go best with the chocolate.”
“You’ve got it.” Nico grabbed a bottle and uncorked it expertly before pouring three glasses.
Kenny plated the miniature desserts and set them on the bar top before taking a seat next to Cleo. Nico sat next to him and handed them their wine. They clinked their glasses and each took a sip. Nico and Kenny began taking bites of each of the desserts. They oohed and ahhed over every single one, before finally sitting back in their chairs.
Nico patted his stomach, while Kenny shook his head. Cleo watched them, amused.
“You’re like the jedi master of cake,” said Nico, wiping his mouth from crumbs.
Cleo let out a laugh and Kenny absorbed it. It was a genuine belly laugh, and he loved it.
“Seriously. Mae is not going to know what hit her.” Kenny agreed.
“So, we can finalize the menu?” Cleo pulled a notebook from her purse.
“Yes to everything here, and add a dozen of each,” said Nico.
She jotted down a few notes before closing her notebook. She took a sip of wine and emptied her glass. Kenny wondered if she would leave now that they were done, but he hoped she wouldn’t.
“Would you like me to pour you another glass?” he asked.
Cleo looked at him curiously for a moment. He held his breath as he waited for her answer.
“Sure,” she said, as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Now that we have business out of the way, why not?” Nico slid his glass toward Kenny, who was carefully pouring wine.
For the next few hours, they sat in the kitchen sipping wine and talking about anything and everything. Kenny and Nico talked about the team and what went on behind the scenes. The truth was, they were all just a bunch of kids who somehow made it to the big leagues.
“You wouldn’t think we were professionals at all if you saw what went down in the locker room,” said Kenny.
“Seriously. With the pranks we pull, you’d think we were back in grade school.” Nico smiled mischievously. “Do you remember the fish in Kev’s bag?”