Bridget eyed the container as Cleo approached. “Please tell me those are cinnamon rolls.”
Cleo nodded and set them on the countertop. Bridget came around the bar and gave her a hug before plopping down on a barstool. Cleo looked around.
“Sit, sit. It’s dead in here,” Bridget insisted as she took off the lid and pulled out a cinnamon roll.
Cleo sat down next to her and watched as Bridget took a big bite.
“Mmmm.” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “What is that frosting?”
“Maple.” Cleo smiled.
“I swear. You are the best baker in the city.”
“We’ll see. The jury’s still out.”
“I’m serious.” Bridget took another bite. “I’m going to miss you when you leave this place to open your dream bakery.”
“You might be stuck with me,” said Cleo softly, with a sad smile.
“Have a little faith, girl.” Bridget squeezed her hand reassuringly.
Cleo nodded. She was going to miss this place if she ever got her dream up and running.
Chapter 4
“You’re going to have to push harder,” said Kenny’s trainer.
Kenny panted as he upped the speed on the treadmill and sprinted even faster, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. His trainer gave him a look of satisfaction before jotting some notes down on his clipboard. After a minute, he gave Kenny some relief by turning down the speed. Kenny rested his head on the treadmill’s dash and caught his breath before drinking some water. His trainer handed him a towel.
“You’re trying to kill me,” said Kenny between breaths.
“Best time yet,” his trainer said, patting him on the back.
Kenny nodded before making his way to the locker room to shower. He spotted the team’s owner, Jonas, leaning against the wall. It was rare he came to check on the team during their workouts, so Kenny was glad he had performed well. He gave Jonas a nod as he passed by.
He didn’t talk much to Jonas. He was always a little intimidated by the guy, but Jonas was also Nate’s business partner. Nate, as in Kenny’s long-lost brother. With everything that had come to light, Kenny kept his head down. He did what he needed to on the field and in the gym, and that got him by.
His phone dinged as he turned on the shower. It was a text from Justin: Are we still on for lunch?
Yeah, I’m just wrapping up at the gym. What are you feeling?
Anything, just as long as the place is low key.
Got it. I’ll text you the address.
Kenny thought for a moment before typing in an address and hitting send. He knew of just the place. A little café on Newbury that was only open for breakfast and lunch. He often took his mom there. She liked it because it was calm and quiet, a little escape from the city. Definitely low key.
Justin was well known in the city. Well known in the country, actually. He was a billionaire and a leader in the tech industry. He had worked alongside his father for years before eventually taking over the company when his father retired. For being as wealthy as he was, Justin was humble. While he enjoyed some finer things, he also enjoyed the little things, which Kenny admired him for.
They met in college. Kenny was there on a baseball scholarship. There was no other way he would be able to afford it. Justin was his assigned dormmate. They hit it off right away and had been best friends ever since.
Kenny hopped in the steaming shower, which felt great for his sore muscles. Once he was finished, he dried off and put on jeans and a white tee. He grabbed his leather jacket from his locker and scheduled an Uber for pickup.
“Hey, man.”
Kenny saw his teammate, Kev, walk into the locker room. “Hey, Kev. What’s up?”