“What the hell is your problem?” Kev yelled as he tried to right himself.
“What did you do to her?” Kenny towered over him.
“Nothing she didn’t want,” Kev sneered.
Kenny held his fists at his sides, cracking his knuckles and trying to keep it together.
“Oh wait. Was she yours? Lucky guy. She tasted so good,” said Kev, licking his lips.
Kenny couldn’t keep it in anymore. He raised his fist and slammed it into Kev’s eye. He lifted it again and landed another blow across his nose. He raised another fist and landed it again.
Kev yelled out and his trainer came running out of the locker room.
“Hey! Stop! Get off!” He grabbed Kenny and pulled him off. He started dragging him away while he called security from his phone.
Kev stayed on the ground, but propped himself on his elbows shakily.
“I’ll have you kicked off the team for this!” yelled Kev.
“I’ll have you kicked off for assault,” Kenny spat at him.
Just then, two security guards grabbed Kenny and pulled him out of the gym, while the trainer tended to Kev, who was bleeding from the nose and mouth. They dragged Kenny down the hallway. Just then, Nico and Jonas came out of a nearby elevator, looking around frantically.
“Sir. There’s been an altercation in the gym,” said one of the security guards to Jonas.
“You can let him go, gentlemen. Kenny, I trust you can get it together,” said Jonas calmly.
“Yes, sir,” said Kenny.
The security guards let him go reluctantly.
“That will be all.” Jonas nodded toward the security office, and they walked slowly away.
“What the hell were you thinking?” asked Nico.
“I wasn’t. But Kev admitted it. He definitely tried something on Cleo.”
“Where is he now?” asked Jonas.
“In the gym.” Kenny motioned down the hallway before clutching his right hand. It was red and sore.
“I’ll get you some ice for that.” Nico eyed his hand.
As Nico walked away, Kenny turned to Jonas. “I’m sorry, sir. I know that violence is not an option on the team.”
“No, no it’s not. There will be consequences.” Jonas shook his head ruefully.
Kenny looked down at his feet. He gulped as he wondered what would happen next. He would probably be kicked off the team, but it was worth it to take up for Cleo. That creep deserved what he got. He waited quietly for Jonas to say something.
“Sexual assault is never acceptable,” said Jonas, putting a hand on Kenny’s shoulder. “Kev is off the team. This is a warning for you, though. Next time, talk to me and keep your fists out of it.”
“Yes, sir.” Kenny watched as Jonas walked down the hallway to the gym.
He breathed a sigh of relief. Nico handed him a bag of ice, which he laid carefully on his hand. He grimaced from the pain.
“Let’s go home,” said Nico, patting him on the back.