“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” said Jonas, putting his hands up.
“No, I think Kenny might be right. Kev is a total creep. You should hear the things he says in the locker room, even about Mae,” Nico said.
Mae held her hands up to her mouth in surprise. Jonas frowned.
“That’s unfortunate to hear, but we can’t take action unless we’re sure,” said Jonas seriously.
Kenny stood suddenly from the table. He couldn’t sit there any longer trying to be diplomatic. Rage was pulsing through his veins. He had to find Kev. Now.
“Whoa. Where are you going?” asked Nico.
“I’m going to find him,” said Kenny, turning to leave.
“Don’t do anything you might regret,” Nico called after him.
Kenny grabbed his keys from the entryway table and impatiently pushed the button for the elevator. While he waited, he called Kev. It went straight to voicemail. Kenny rode down to the parking garage, thinking of all the places Kev might be. He drove to his condo, but he wasn’t there. He drove to the stadium, but he wasn’t there. It was too early for him to be at the bar, and from the sounds of it, none of them were welcome there anymore. He drove to the team’s gym as his last resort.
Kenny jogged up the stairs and peered through the large glass windows of the gym. He spotted Kev doing chest presses. His trainer was there talking him through his reps. Kenny pushed through the doors and strode over.
“Can you give us a minute?” he asked the trainer.
“Uh…sure.” The trainer eyed Kenny and Kev warily before walking away.
“Why are you interrupting my training session?” asked Kev as he slid out from under the barbell and sat with his arms crossed on the bench.
“I just have some questions.”
“Like what?” asked Kev, uninterested.
“Like what happened at Mae’s party.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kev stood up and grabbed his water bottle, taking a sip.
“I saw you. You were walking out of the kitchen with ice against the side of your head. Now that I think of it, you’ve had a pretty good-sized knot for the past week.”
“I fell.” Kev shrugged.
“You fell?” Kenny wasn’t convinced.
“Yeah, I drank a little too much.”
“That’s nothing new.”
“Why do you care so much?” Kev asked.
“Because I think something else happened at that party.”
“You think I’m lying.”
“I know you are.” Kenny took a step closer and glared at him.
“Look, whatever that girl told you, she was lying. She wanted it.” Kenny put his hands up.
“What girl?” Kenny wanted to hear him say it.
“The fat baker chick.”
“Her name is Cleo.” Kenny shoved Kev back, causing him to stumble over the bench.