The past week they had spent some time together after practice. Nate had taken him to lunch yesterday at a greasy diner that was known for their loaded cheeseburgers. Kenny was expecting his brother to be stuffy, but he was actually very humble, despite being a multi-millionaire. They spent hours at the diner talking about their very different childhoods and their cheater of a father.

Kenny was happy to no longer be holding on to this secret, but it did bring along a lot of curious looks from his teammates. He wasn’t in the mood to answer any questions or explain his life story, so he kept his head down, which was why he wanted to get out of the locker room quickly. He took the stairs in order to avoid riding with any of his teammates in the elevator.

He found his car in the parking garage and slid into the driver’s seat. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw Nate’s name on the screen.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Hey, man. Do you have time to talk?”

“Uh, sure. What’s up?”

“Can you meet me at Hanny’s uptown?”

“What? Now?”


“Sure. I’ll be there in fifteen.”

He hung up and tossed his phone on the seat. What could Nate want now? They’d spent most of the week getting to know each other, which was great, but Kenny was ready to just go home and unload. Despite his big win last weekend, coach had not let up on drilling them at practices.

Fifteen minutes later he pulled up to the valet at Hanny’s and casually tossed the attendant his keys. He pushed through the glass door and spotted Nate at the bar sipping on a beer. Spotting him, Nate waved him over.

“I ordered you one. I figured you could use it after practice,” said Nate, as Kenny took a seat beside him.

“Thanks. Coach has been working us pretty hard.”

“So, I’ve heard from Jonas. He really thinks you guys will make it to the finals this year. That’s probably why coach feels the pressure.”

The bartender slid Kenny a tall, frosted glass of amber beer.

“Thank you.” Kenny took a sip, before looking at Nate questioningly.

“I know you’re probably sick of me, but your buddy Nico called me up. He’s worried about you.”

Kenny shook his head. Of course it was Nico. He had been trying to pry something out of him since everything went down with Cleo. He hadn’t wanted to tell him he had screwed the caterer for his party, so he ignored his questions. It was annoying that he went behind his back and called his long-lost brother in for help. They were still getting to know each other. They weren’t exactly best friends.

Filling the silence, Nate continued, “So, what’s up? The team says you’re like a thunder storm rolling through every day.”

“It’s nothing.” Kenny shrugged.

“Look, I know we’re just getting to know each other, but I’m your brother. I want to act like one. We’ve already lost so many years.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I’ve just been dealing with some shit.”

“Is it coach? The practices?”

Kenny took a sip of his beer before shaking his head. “Nah. I’ve been on my game. All is good with the team.”

Nate studied him for a moment. “Girl trouble then?”

Kenny hesitated before answering. He had nothing to lose in telling his brother the minor details, especially since he had no idea who Cleo was.

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Ahh, I remember those days. I should have guessed when Nico told me you were basically PMSing.”

Kenny rolled his eyes and couldn’t help but laugh.