Elle fell beside her as they looked up at the ceiling.

“Well, at least you got some. It’s been a while.”

“Shut up.” Cleo tossed a throw pillow at her friend.

She was happy Elle was here. She was already feeling a little better. They spent the next hour watching another episode of reality TV and finishing the plate of cookies.

“I better go,” said Elle, getting up from the couch.

“Yeah. I need to get ready for work.”

“Text me if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Elle. Really.”

“Anytime.” Elle hugged her before heading out the front door.

Cleo made her way upstairs and pushed open the bathroom door. She gathered her clothes and walked them to the laundry room, tossing them in the hamper. When she opened the shower door, she swore she could smell him. She smelled like him. She washed her hair and scrubbed her skin quickly before getting out and toweling off. He had ruined her shower for her.

“Curse you, Kenny,” she muttered.

She finished getting ready for work, without putting too much effort into it. She didn’t want to look like she was trying too hard in case he did show up. She wore her wet hair in a low bun, and her usual jeans and T-shirt.

She got to work right on time and saw that it was already packed. The game was coming on in an hour. She was thankful for the business because it was a good distraction, even though his face was going to come on all ten television screens soon. Maybe she would make it a game by trying to expertly avoid looking.

The next few hours she made cocktails, poured beers, and served game day appetizers to the crowd as they cheered and booed at the game. It was a big game, so Bridget had the music turned down and the game volume up. Cleo actively tried not to look whenever she heard the announcers say Kenny’s name. She had been doing a good job at avoiding looking, but her curiosity finally got the better of her.

“Kenny Matthews is up to bat, with the bases loaded,” an announcer said loudly over the speakers.

She watched as he took a few practice swings. Damn him for looking so good. The camera zoomed in on his face as he squared up to the base. A little bit of sadness hit her and she forced herself to look away. She began drying glasses that were already dry. She needed something to do.

Suddenly, the bar erupted into cheers, startling her.

“Kenny Matthews hits a home run. It’s a grand slam!”

She watched as Kenny ran the bases, his teammates rushing the field. Once he hit home plate, they lifted him up on their shoulders. With the excitement from the bar, and the smile on his face, she couldn’t help but feel happy for him. He had won them the game.

To hers and Bridget’s surprise, the team did not come in after their big win. Cleo felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. It was definitely because of her, and she felt like a complete idiot. Somehow, she made it through the night without crying. And the next.

The next few days she went through the motions, and was happy when Monday rolled around because she could just hole up inside her house for a few days. She couldn’t believe that Kenny hadn’t texted or called. He had gone radio silent on her.

She started feeling anxious about the party approaching. How was she going to be in the same room with him? Her heart dropped just thinking about it. She even contemplated quitting the job, but she didn’t want to disappoint Nico. More importantly, she didn’t want to blow her big break. She could not let some guy get in the way of her dream. But she would need reinforcements if she were going to go through with this.

She texted Elle:

Come with me to the party. I need you.

Cleo smiled at her response:

I’m there.

Chapter 18


Kenny slammed his locker with a bang and sulked out of the locker room, his teammates casting him wary looks. He didn’t care. It had been a hell of a week. First, he had crossed a line with Cleo and there was no going back. He hadn’t heard from her, which wasn’t surprising. He had left an excuse on a post-it, for God’s sake. Still, he hoped maybe this miniscule gesture was enough for her to text him.

Besides all the stormy feelings regarding Cleo, Nate had become aware that he was his brother, which made for a very awkward and unexpected phone call. His mother had finally come clean about his father’s transgressions. Despite the lost years between them, and despite Kenny’s hesitancy, they actually hit it off okay.