Kenny rubbed his palm against his forehead in frustration. What had he done? He had made a mistake by sleeping with her. Now there were probably feelings on her end, and he was in no position to be handling anyone’s feelings. At least, not with proper care. He hadn’t felt this protective of anyone since Sylvie, and now he was the one Cleo needed protecting from. If he tried to explain it, she wouldn’t understand. No one did. Years had passed, and he still couldn’t get over the past.
Even if Cleo was perfect for him, which he was pretty positive she was, he couldn’t trust himself not to break her heart. How was he supposed to get through Mae’s birthday party, knowing she would be there? It wasn’t like he could skip it. He lived there. He would have to face her eventually.
Chapter 17
Cleo opened her eyes slowly, stretching her arms out to find that no one was beside her. She rolled over quickly to see that the bed was empty beside her. She knew this would happen. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Okay, a lot disappointed that Kenny was gone.
After the night they had, she hoped he would still be here. She pulled a pillow over her head to shut out the light and try to shut out the thoughts from last night. A pillow couldn’t stop her from remembering his lips on hers, his hands gripping her hips, the hot water rolling down his skin pressed up against hers. When she had pleasured herself in the shower a week ago, she had no idea what would come to be in that same spot.
The sex was better than she even imagined. The way he looked at her made her feel beautiful, even though she knew she was anything but. He had made her feel comfortable, confident even. No one had ever done that. He must have been a really good actor or a total sociopath for dipping out on her. She groaned into the pillow, but it smelled like him, which pissed her off more.
She threw it off her and reached over to her nightstand. Maybe he had texted her. She powered it on. It must have died in the night because she hadn’t charged it. It lit up, but there were no notifications. More disappointment. She set it back on her nightstand before sliding out of bed. She rummaged through her dresser drawers and found some sweats to put on. All she wanted to do was curl up into a little ball on the couch, which she would, but she needed breakfast first.
Cleo walked past her bathroom and saw towels and her work clothes strewn across the floor. She quickly shut the door, ignoring the proof that last night had happened. Once she was downstairs, she opened the fridge and pulled out eggs and bacon. She fired up the stove and began cooking. The pan sizzled and popped, and the smells in the kitchen made her stomach grumble. It was eleven after all, and she had worked up quite an appetite last night.
She walked over to pull a plate down from the cabinet, and that was when she saw it. A little yellow post-it note sitting next to her recipe books. She quickly picked it up and read it.
Thank you for last night.
Was he really thanking her? Like it was a favor?
I’m sorry I had to leave.
Talk soon.
Also doubtful. Also, how could he be so nonchalant? He had just as good a time as she did. She might not be the most beautiful girl he had been with, but she could see and feel how good of a time he was having. She almost smiled, thinking of the way he shuddered against her as he came, but then she remembered he had left. He got what he wanted from her. As much as it hurt, it wasn’t all that surprising.
She read the note again before crumpling it up and throwing it in the trash. She filled her plate with eggs, bacon, and buttered toast and sat down at the kitchen table to eat. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. She slid it out quickly, but it was only Bridget:
Big game tonight. I hope you’re rested because the bar is going to be packed. If you need the night off, tell me now, so I can maybe get Alex in.
It was game night? Cleo groaned. She had forgotten. The last place she wanted to be was in a bar full of TV screens with Kenny’s face on it and people cheering him on. Still, she didn’t want to let Bridget down, especially after the favor last night. Plus, the money was good.
Cleo: All good here. Thanks again. I’ll be there.
Bridget: Thanks, Cleo! See you at 5.
Cleo locked her phone and put it on the table. She took a bite of bacon. At least she had a while before she had to be at work. She could still curl up on the couch and watch bad TV, which was the ultimate comfort.
Then it hit her. Game night. The team usually came in after the game. No, no. This was not good. What if Kenny came in? How could she face him? It would be so embarrassing. Worse, what if he told the team? She would be just another conquest they would high-five over. No, Kenny wasn’t like that. As much as he hurt her by leaving her, he didn’t seem like that kind of guy. She would just have to deal with it. It was her own fault for getting involved with someone she saw on a somewhat regular basis.
For the rest of the afternoon, she made herself feel better by baking a batch of her favorite sea salt chocolate chip cookies and sitting on the couch with a big knit blanket wrapped around her. She watched her favorite reality TV show, booing at the romance and laughing at the drama. She was about to start another episode when there was a knock on the door.
She started. Her first thought was maybe it was Kenny. If it was, she was not going to answer it looking like this. Setting the remote down, and keeping the blanket wrapped around her like a shawl, she tiptoed to the door. Who could it be? She wasn’t expecting anyone or any packages. She tried to peek out the window.
“I can see you in there.”
Cleo breathed a sigh of relief. It was Elle.
“Open up.”
Cleo unlocked the door and opened it.
Elle looked her up and down with amusement. “Well, this is a look.”