“Hey, man,” Kenny said casually.
“Hey. What’s that?” Nico eyed the boxes curiously.
“Oh, they’re samples from Cleo.” Kenny set the boxes on the counter.
“Oh shoot. I forgot to text her back.”
“No worries. I took care of it.”
“I can see that.” Nico gave him a smirk.
“I just figured we should get the ball rolling on this party. You know? Just want the best for Mae’s birthday,” said Kenny rushed.
“Riiiight. I didn’t know you were so into party planning,” said Nico sarcastically.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to be rude and not respond, so I texted her back and tried the samples, and now we’re all set. Just wanted to help out.” Kenny was getting exasperated because he knew he was just digging himself a hole by talking more.
Nico let out a laugh before shaking his head and taking a bite of his sandwich.
“What?” asked Kenny with a shrug.
“Just admit it, man.”
“Admit what?”
“That you have a thing for this girl.”
“For Cleo?”
“Yes, Cleo.”
“Nah. It’s just business. You needed someone for the party, that’s all.”
Nico set his sandwich down and looked at Kenny, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s okay to like someone, and for more than a one-night type thing.”
Kenny looked down at his shoes. “I don’t let myself. Not anymore.”
The only person who knew about his past was Justin. He hadn’t told anyone else about Sylvie, and how she had really messed him up. Maybe if Nico knew, he would understand and not push this so much. He had become a good friend, after all.
“I had someone back in college. We were high school sweethearts. I was going to propose. The whole thing. She cheated on me with someone almost twice her age. Her boss at her internship, who had a wife and a kid himself.”
“Shit, Kenny. I had no idea.” Nico shook his head in quiet disbelief.
“Yeah, well, since then I don’t really want anything serious.”
“I can understand that.” Nico nodded.
“I’m hoping you can keep that to yourself.”
“Of course, man.”
Kenny nodded and started fixing himself a sandwich. Even after all of the desserts, he was hungry. He rummaged through the fridge and then laid everything out on the counter. Nico set his plate in the sink and made his way over to the dessert boxes. He opened each one and inhaled deeply.
Kenny smiled. “Wait until you try them.”
Nico reached in and pulled out a mini red velvet cake. He took a bite and suddenly held it out in front of him, as if inspecting it.