“We missed you last night. There were some beauties out at that new club that just opened.”

“Next time.” Kenny shrugged.

“Something tells me you’re not really interested anyway.”

Kenny lifted the cap of his hat and eyed Nico curiously. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Come on, man. I saw the way you were looking at the baker girl.”

“Cleo. And I was not looking at her.”

“You weren’t not looking at her.” Nico smiled.

Kenny pulled his hat down again, shaking his head.

“Hey, she’s cute. And for what it’s worth, she was looking at you, too.” Kenny felt Nico nudge him before he put his headphones on.

Kenny couldn’t help but smile to himself. He thought he had caught her looking a few times, but he wasn’t sure. Now there was a witness. He thought back on yesterday and the few moments alone he had with Cleo. She really was beautiful in a way where she didn’t have to try, and she smelled like jasmine. Her perfume lingered after the elevator doors closed behind her and Nico spent a minute or two trying to place the scent.

Now he had her number, but it wasn’t like he was going to do anything with it. Was he? He internally shook his head and reminded himself that it was just business. He didn’t want to complicate anything. His life was simple. Baseball, and that was it. That’s how he preferred it. After what happened with Sylvie, his trust when it came to women was almost nonexistent. It was better to not get too close.

He dozed after the plane took off and woke up when the wheels hit the runway.

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty,” said Nico, lifting the window shade. “Time to win this game.”

The team rode the bus to the stadium, and everyone was trying to hype themselves up for the big game. It was one of their biggest rivals and the pressure was on. Kenny put on his headphones and listened to old-school rock, trying to drown out the rest of the team. When they arrived at the stadium, there were already fans lined up outside, booing them as they walked off the bus. Kenny just turned his music up louder. He was used to this.

Inside the locker room, they went over stats as they unpacked their equipment. Their coach was doing his best to get them motivated, but Kenny could feel the pressure. It was vibrating off the walls.

“I know this is a big game, but don’t let that distract you. Just go out there and do your best,” said their coach, inviting them into a huddle. They did their usual team chant before heading onto the field.

The game seemed to drag on. Every inning was a battle between the two teams. They kept up with each other’s scoring, until the 11th inning when there was only one out remaining and Kenny struck out. The crowd went wild for their home team as Kenny threw his bat in anger and climbed down into the dugout. His teammates patted his back, but he waved them off. He was not in the mood for “it’s okay” or “we’ll get them next time.”

The next few games away were no better for the team. They lost every single one, and while Kenny wasn’t the one who struck out again, he still let it get to him. Since his life was baseball, he took everything to heart and his head. The other guys could brush it off better, but they had other things on their mind, like women and family. Two things Kenny didn’t want to think about right now, especially knowing Nate would most likely be at Mae’s party.

After their final away game ended in a loss, the team rode in silence back to the hotel. Kenny leaned his head against the window and watched the city lights pass by.

“All right, boys. I know it’s been a rough week, but it’s over now. Once we’re back in Boston, we’ll be back on top,” said their coach, standing at the front of the bus. Seeing his little pep talk was falling on deaf ears, he sat back down, defeated.

Chad stood up suddenly. “Wake up, boys. We may not be going home with a win, but we can bring some ladies home tonight!”

The team whooped and threw their fists in the air.

“First bar we get to tonight, first round of drinks are on me!” yelled Chad.

The team let out another shout as the bus pulled up to the hotel. They all clambered out and headed through the lobby doors.

Back in his room, Kenny took a long, hot shower and put on his sweats before plopping down on the king-sized bed. He reached for the remote and clicked the TV on. He was scrolling through the guide when there was a knock on his door. He groaned and walked slowly over, looking through the peephole. It was Nico.

Kenny opened the door. “What’s up?”

“We’re heading out,” said Nico, looking at Kenny’s sweats.

“I’m staying in.” Kenny shrugged.

“I thought you might say that.” Chad pushed his way inside behind Nico, holding a bottle of tequila.

Kenny threw his head back, annoyed. Nico mouthed “sorry” as he trailed behind.