“No Bridget tonight?” asked one of the players.

“Not tonight. Sorry to disappoint, fellas,” said Cleo with a small shrug.

“Not a disappointment at all, sweetheart. It's Cleo, right?” asked another player.

“That's right.” Cleo gestured to the booth and the players piled in.

“Now what can I get you?” asked Cleo, leaning against the tabletop and trying to look casual.

“Whiskey. All around,” said a player.

“Not the usual beer tonight?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Nah, it was a big close call tonight. We need something a little stronger.”

Cleo nodded, as if she had any clue what happened in the game.

“I'm Chad, by the way.” He winked.

“Nice to meet you, Chad,” Cleo said with a close-lipped smile.

Chad nudged the player to his right. “Scooch over, Nico. Let the lady sit.”

She watched nervously as the players made room for her at the end of the booth. Bridget had sat with the players maybe once before, so this was new, especially for her. She didn't want to get in trouble, but she also didn't want to seem rude. Cleo looked around nervously, but the other bartenders seemed to have the customers handled. She looked at the empty seat a second longer.

“Okay, but only for a moment,” said Cleo as she carefully sat next to Chad. She kept her distance and was practically falling off the edge of the booth.

“Thatta girl!” Nico said, raising his glass to her.

Awkwardly, she raised an imaginary glass and clinked it to his, automatically questioning why as soon as she did it. The players laughed and nodded approvingly, which made her feel better about her awkwardness.

“So, what do you do, Cleo?” Chad nudged her.

“Besides serve you?” she replied with a smirk.

Chad let out a laugh. He was handsome, a bit older. Not her type. She wasn’t sure if she even had a type. It had been so long since she was interested in anyone. Still, she played along. She was used to being hit on in this line of work.

“Are we that bad?” he laughed.

“No, no. I love it here, but when I’m not here, I bake.”

“What? Like Betty Crocker?” asked Chad curiously.

“Sure, something like that.” She laughed.

“Oh man, Kenny. Did you hear that?” said Chad loudly across the table.

Cleo glanced up at the player Chad was talking to. She caught his eye before quickly looking down at her hands. In the brief look she got at him, he was handsome. Very handsome. His hair was dark brown and tousled in a messy but somehow put together way. As if his hair purposefully fell across his forehead in a perfect swoosh.

“You see, Kenny here has quite the sweet tooth,” said Chad, nodding in his direction.

“Is that so?” Cleo couldn’t brave looking at him again, so she just smiled and looked back at Chad.

“Mhmm. He could use some sugar in his life.” Chad wiggled his eyebrows.

“Oh, shut up,” said Kenny, shooting him a look.

Cleo laughed nervously. She didn’t sound like herself.