“Maybe I should get you some water,” she offered.
“Aww, are you trying to take care of me, sweetheart?” He reached over the counter as if to touch her face, and she quickly stepped backward.
“Hey. Back off,” yelled Bridget, stepping next to Cleo. She waved toward the front doors and signaled for security. They briskly walked over and took the man out by his arms.
Cleo leaned against the back counter, watching as the creep was taken out. When he was out the doors, she felt someone watching her. She glanced around and locked eyes with Kenny. His lips were closed and his jaw was tight. He looked angry. Cleo couldn’t help but think it was because of what had just happened to her, as if he was protective.
“You okay?” asked Bridget, shaking her head.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks,” said Cleo.
Bridget nodded. “Can you get a tray of shots for the players? Whiskey. I’ve got to go deal with that asshole.”
“Sure.” Cleo felt nervousness wash over her. She filled a tray of shot glasses and carefully placed it on her palm. She took in a breath as she walked toward their booth.
Chapter 6
Kenny sat at the booth, passing his almost full drink back and forth between his hands. It took some convincing to come out tonight with the team. They usually didn’t go out on non-game days. He would have much rather stayed home with takeout and a movie. Justin had convinced him to come out though. He was only in town for another day.
“Are you going to drink that or continue to play air hockey with it?” asked Justin, raising an eyebrow at Kenny’s full glass.
“I came out, didn’t I? I didn’t say I was going to go wild.” Kenny shrugged.
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing. Just tired.”
And he was. He was tapped out socially and needed some alone time to refill his stores. The team was fun and all, but he spent so much time with them that it was nice to have a break sometimes.
The plus side to coming out tonight was seeing Cleo again. She had hardly looked at him all night, not since that jerk was being pushy with her. When Kenny saw the guy reach over the counter to touch her, he saw red. His cheeks were surely flushed with anger, but he tried to swallow it down. Instead, he clenched his fists under the table. He didn’t even realize he was staring at her, until she locked eyes with him briefly.
“Now there’s a guy who takes initiative,” Kev had said as he watched the guy being thrown out by security.
“That guy’s a creep,” said Nico, shaking his head.
“So is Kev,” said Kenny under his breath. He didn’t like the guy, and tried to keep his distance. On the field or out in social gatherings, Kenny was cordial, but didn’t go out of his way to be friendly.
“What was that?” Kev snapped, looking at Kenny sharply.
“Hmm?” Kenny raised his eyebrows innocently before taking a drink.
Just then, Bridget came up and leaned casually against the side of the booth. “Sorry about the commotion, boys.”
“No apologies necessary, Bridget. By the way, it’s good to have you back,” said Chad, flashing a smile. It was no surprise to anyone that he had a thing for her.
She smiled and gave Chad a nod. “Well, let me know if you need anything.” She pushed off from the booth and walked back toward the bar.
Chad let out an airy whistle. “You think papa Murphy would let me take his daughter out?”
“Doubtful,” said Nico. “Now, can we get back to the party?”
“What party?” asked Kenny, taking a sip of his beer.
“Hello? Earth to Kenny. We’ve been talking about throwing a party for Mae.”
“Oh, right.”