“It would be nice to stand on my own a little more without my father breathing down my neck. I swear, you’d think he never retired. I love him, but the man’s meticulous.”

“Well, think about it. It’d be nice to have my best friend here again.”

Justin nodded. “It would be nice to have this sandwich on a weekly basis.”

Kenny laughed. “You would take a nice moment and make it about food.”

“If I think about moving to Boston, then you have to think about asking that girl out.”

“I’ll think about it.” Kenny lied, even though deep down he kind of wanted to.

Chapter 5


Cleo could not have gotten out of the café fast enough. Not only did she face the humiliation of being turned down by the owner, but it was in front of that cute baseball player. Why did he have to be there?

She brushed that part of the humiliation aside and looked down in defeat at the basket of pastries in her hands. She shook her head. She was an embarrassment, walking into one of the city’s cafés like little red riding hood peddling goods. But she didn’t know any other way of marketing herself.

“Maybe I should just go back to Indiana,” she whispered to herself as she walked to her car. There were thirty minutes left on the meter, enough time to try another café, but she didn’t think she could handle any more rejection. She had tried five cafés today, and no one was interested. She began to doubt herself and had no confidence left to continue on this venture.

Cleo unlocked the door to her car and slid into the driver’s seat, setting the basket next to her in the passenger seat. She leaned her head back and let out a long sigh. She closed her eyes for a moment and wondered if her dreams were too big. Why did she think Boston would be the place where she would get her big break?

She opened her eyes and looked out the window at the café. Just then she saw Kenny heading out the door. She slunk down in her seat in fear he might see her. She could only handle so much embarrassment for one day. Still, she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. His brown hair fell messily, but perfectly, against his forehead. He wore a white T-shirt, slim jeans, and a black leather jacket. He was effortlessly good-looking.

She watched as his friend followed behind him. They exchanged a few words and pats on the back before heading different directions on the sidewalk. She wondered if he had recognized her from the bar. She knew he most likely did, but had a faint hope that maybe daylight and a nice dress disguised her. Watching, she waited as he turned a corner, out of sight, before she sat up straight.

Her phone vibrated in her bag and she fished around until she found it. It was a text from Elle: How did it go?

It didn’t.

Oh no. That bad?

I don’t think I’m cut out for this.

Stop. Cleo. Head over to my office for a hug. Plus, I have a sweet tooth ;)

K. Be there in ten.

Cleo clicked her phone to lock, and threw it on the seat. Elle would be just the person to cheer her up. She couldn’t dwell on the day for too long, anyway. She had to work in a few hours. Thankfully, there wasn’t a game today and it would probably be a slow night. Just what she needed.

Putting her car into drive, she turned on some old school rock to lift her mood. She rolled the windows down and sang to the music. By the time Cleo pulled up to Elle’s office building, she was already feeling better. She waved to the parking attendant who recognized her immediately.

“Cleo! It’s good to see you.”

“Good to see you, Al.” Cleo smiled at him.

He peeked in her car and eyed the basket. “Any chance you have an extra for your favorite attendant?”

“You know it.” Cleo reached into the basket and pulled out a raspberry and goat cheese strudel. She handed it to Al and watched as he unwrapped it and took a quick bite. A smile spread across his face.

“This is good, Cleo. Really good.” He inspected the pastry and took another bite.

“Thank you, Al,” she said appreciatively. He didn’t know how much she needed that.

“Tell Elle hello for me!” Al hit a button and the arm lifted slowly.

“Thank you.” Cleo nodded as she drove down into the parking garage. She parked and grabbed the basket of pastries, planning to just leave them with Elle. Seeing leftovers would just be reminders of her failures from the day.