Kelsey stared at the front of the brick house. Cars filled the driveway, covered the front lawn, and lined the side of the road. Eric’s mom always welcomed her whole flock for Easter, and this was the first time Kelsey had ever visited during a big holiday. They were about to be surrounded by more of Eric’s family in one place than Kelsey had ever seen before. Heck, she’d never seen that much of anyone’s family in one place before. Certainly not her own.
“Deep breaths,” Eric kidded as he walked around the van with two gigantic packs of bread rolls—the only food his mom would allow them to bring. “It’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Easy for you to say. You aren’t trying to hide a cantaloupe under your shirt.” She pulled at the bottom of the dressy tank and cardigan she’d borrowed from Natalie. While she wasn’t really showing yet, it still felt like all of her tops were too short already. Plus, even though Eric assured her that church-level attire wasn’t necessary, Kelsey knew her own wardrobe of graphic tees and faded jeans wouldn’t cut it on Easter Sunday. Eric wasn’t even wearing a hat today, because sure enough his mama would make him take it off the second he walked through that door. No hats indoors in her house on any day, much less on Easter.
Eric laughed. “First of all, I saw the sonogram. It isn’t even close to a cantaloupe yet.” He held up the bags of rolls. “Not even bread-roll-sized yet.”
“Well, tell that to my bladder.”
“And second, everyone in there who knows you already loves you. And the ones who don’t know you yet will love you soon enough.” He kissed her on the forehead. “You sure you aren’t ready for any big announcements yet?”
“Absolutely not!”
He gave her a playful pout. “You’re no fun.”
“I’m fun enough, but there’s no way I’m walking in that house and stealing your mama’s holiday hostess thunder with our news.”
“Not even part of our news?”
“Me walking in there with you is already spilling enough news that we’re back together.” She smiled and laced her fingers with his. She’d left the ring he gave her sitting in her jewelry box back at home. “Engagement news can wait. Besides, I kind of like having a secret that’s just ours.”
He gave her another quick kiss, this time on the mouth. “Yeah, but I want to share our good news with the whole world, not just the band. Especially if we aren’t sharing the other news just yet.” He scratched at her belly with his index finger.
“I know. All in good time, though,” she said. “Maybe next weekend after we finish moving my stuff to your place.”
“Our place,” he corrected with a wink.
“Fine. Our place.” While she wasn’t quite used to the sound of it yet, she loved the way those words warmed her heart as they rolled off her tongue. “We could invite your mom for dinner and tell her about everything?”
His eyes lit up, and he kissed her again. “Sounds perfect. Now, let’s get in there and get some mac and cheese before the edges are all gone.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Every single piece of your aunt’s mac and cheese is divine. I refuse to argue this with you again.”
Her phone dinged in her back pocket. “Robin says Happy Easter. To both of us.” She frowned at the text message. “With a question mark.”
Eric shook his head. “That woman has no faith in us.”
Kelsey raised an eyebrow at him as she typed a reply. “Can you blame her?”
“I mean, we may not have the best track record, but she could at least pretend to be happy for us.”