Page 36 of Rim Shot Rebound

“She doesn’t know that.”

“I told her I wouldn’t. I proposed.”

“You’ve told her that before.” Natalie rested her hands on her guitar and sighed. “Why does she think you’d leave? Why did you leave before?”

“She and I talked about this. I didn’t want to hurt her any more than she was already hurting.”


“Because she’d already lost the baby.”


His head spun. None of this made sense. He and Kelsey had been over this already. All of it. He’d told her why he’d pulled away. And he’d promised her he wouldn’t this time.

Natalie sighed. “When did you propose?”

“I told you, today.”

“Before or after she became a package deal?”

“After, but…” Eric’s back tensed and something snapped to attention. “Shit.”

“There you go.”

“She thinks I’m only marrying her because of the baby?”

Natalie shrugged. “I don’t know what she thinks right now. But I do know she was devastated that you left the moment she wasn’t a full family deal anymore.”

Eric closed his eyes. How could he have been so blind? She’d been so terrified every time he talked about the future. Their future. Their family. She was afraid he was more in love with a potential baby than he was with her.

Sure, he loved the idea of having a baby with Kelsey. Having a family with her. Forever with them. But he had forever plans for Kelsey before he even knew about her pregnancy.

Only she didn’t know that. All she had for evidence was his actions. And he’d handed her a pretty crappy track record.

Robin walked in, just as Natalie’s phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her back pocket and looked at it.

“I’m gonna need a minute as soon as she gets here,” he told Robin.

Robin frowned, but didn’t respond.

“You need more than a minute,” Natalie said. “Your girl is leaving.”

“Leaving?” He looked between Robin and Natalie. Then he glanced at Lauren, who put up her hands in defense and looked even more confused than him. “What are you talking about?”

“She knew I wouldn’t keep her damn secret, so she called Robin to tell her she’s not going to be at rehearsal. She’s leaving town. Made Robin promise not to tell you.”

Eric looked at Robin. “So you texted Natalie, knowing she’d tell me.”

Robin shrugged. “I didn’t break a promise.” She walked across the rehearsal studio to stand in front of Eric. “I would only ever go behind that girl’s back if I thought it was best for her.” She poked a finger at his chest. “Don’t prove me wrong.”

Eric gave her a salute, and propped his bass against the wall behind him. “I’ll get this later.” Then he took Robin’s shoulders and bent to kiss her on the cheek. “Thank you. I promise I’ll fix this.”

And he would. Not for him. He’d made a mess of everything. Again.

But Kelsey deserved so much more. She shouldn’t have to leave because he’d made her feel unwanted. She belonged with these women more than he did.

“Good,” Robin said.

Eric turned to Natalie. “You can kick my ass if I don’t.”

“Count on it,” Nat said.

With that, Eric waved to Lauren, then hauled butt to his van. He had no idea what he was going to say when he got to Kelsey. No idea what to say that would make her stay. Or if it was even his place to ask her to. After all, it was his fault she was leaving. Heck, if she wanted, he’d be the one to leave. He just wanted her happy. And safe. Whatever that took.