Page 27 of Rim Shot Rebound


Kelsey sat in her car until the dashboard clock read one minute until rehearsal. Only then did she grab her drumsticks before sending a text to Robin letting her know she was there and would meet them in the studio. The last thing she wanted was to get caught with extra time to talk. To anyone. She’d been flip-flopping on her decision to tell Eric about her pregnancy all week. She was afraid one innocent stray word might tip her back to chicken-land where she’d change her mind and keep her mouth shut. Because she was pretty sure she finally wanted to tell Eric. Tonight.

He deserved to know. He deserved to have a chance to make up his own mind about them.

Inside the studio, Kelsey sat on her throne and instantly felt the discomfort. She unbuttoned the top of her jeans and wondered how much longer she could pull this off. How long before she felt pressure at more than just her waistline? How long before she’d need help getting up, wobbly with an offset center of gravity? How long before she’d need to put up her drumsticks, just when they’d settled on a new fiddle player and were bringing in new tunes? Surely Robin had a whole album in mind. Would Kelsey have to sit out recording that, too?

She had no idea. She’d never been past this stage before. She wasn’t even sure whether or not her body could get past this stage—despite her doctor’s reassurance that these things happen and that one late first trimester loss probably didn’t have any future implications—so there was no point dwelling on all of these what-ifs now. Not yet, at least.

Lauren entered the studio first, fiddle case in hand, followed by Natalie with her guitar bag slung over one shoulder and a raised eyebrow aimed at Kelsey. Kelsey gave her friend a thumbs up while still holding her drumstick, but quickly dropped her hand below the toms as Eric entered the room. He was sporting a casual look that night with his dark forest green fedora, a sleek black T-shirt, and loose-fitting jeans. She gave him a quick smile like nothing was wrong, then looked down at her feet and tested out her pedals.

They’d talked on the phone a couple nights and texted throughout the week, but she’d made excuses not to get together. She’d sent him her lyrics so he could add them to his sheets. He tried to get her to come over to make sure he was lining up everything in a way that worked, but she insisted she trusted him with that. He was much better at that part anyway.

“All right,” Robin said when they were set up. “Let’s hear this new song I’ve heard absolutely nothing about.”

Eric flashed a bright, confident smile and a quick wink at Kelsey, then walked around the room to pass out sheet music. “I don’t have parts for everyone yet. Just the melody with the lyrics and the chord changes. Lauren, can you help me and read the melody line?”

“Sure.” Lauren lifted her fiddle and bow and waited while Eric set up at the keyboard off to the side of the room.

“Ready?” When Lauren nodded, he said, “We’ll play through it once so everyone can get a feel for it, then we can all play around with the harmonies and instrumentations. Sound good?”

Everyone agreed, so he counted off, then began the first few bars alone. Lauren came through on fiddle a few bars later with long, mournful tones as Kelsey imagined Robin singing those notes with her words. Her eyes followed along on the sheet, and her heart swelled at how naturally her words danced with Eric’s music.

When they finished, Natalie nodded at Kelsey. Robin’s voice boomed through the little room. “I love it!”

“Yeah, me too,” Lauren said. “And it’s real easy to pick up.”

Natalie agreed. “I was fingering those chord changes along with y’all, and this’ll be a quick one to learn. Great lyrics, Kel.”

Kelsey felt her cheeks warm with blush and nodded at Eric. “I had a great partner.”

Eric caught her gaze and held it with his deep, soulful eyes for longer than was comfortable or appropriate, but Kelsey couldn’t help getting lost in his stare.

“Damn right,” Robin said. “Let’s get everyone in on this once, so we can see how we want the accompaniment to go. I’ll just play the melody on my box for now, since I’m better playing than sight singing.”

Eric took his music back to his bass and stood beside Kelsey. “See,” he said. “I told you it was great. Never doubt my faith in you.”

She wanted to believe that affirming smile of his. With all of her heart she wished that was all it took. A smile and his faith. But it wasn’t his faith in her that was in question or that would be put to the test later.


* * * * *


After rehearsal, Kelsey pushed off her throne, a little slower than normal, and lightly tapped Eric on his smooth, muscular arm with her sticks. “I’ll meet you outside.”

Then she headed for the door without waiting for a response. But she couldn’t escape without going through the gauntlet.

“Seriously, I love the song.” Lauren zipped her case and walked toward the door alongside Kelsey.


“See you next week, Kelsey,” Robin called at her back. “Nice work!”


Natalie trotted up to flank Kelsey opposite Lauren. “Yeah. Great song.”