“You hiding in your mom’s sewing room again?”
“You know it.”
Her mind flashed an image of him smiling back at her, and she couldn’t help smiling despite herself.
“Okay, well, I’ll see you at rehearsal.” Kelsey placed the phone on the couch beside her and stared off at nothing in particular.
“Well?” Natalie’s voice cut through her train of thought. She’d almost forgotten her friend was sitting right there. “That sounded…okay?”
Kelsey nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Bought yourself some time at least.”
“Yup.” Kelsey was still staring at the phone. She wanted to hear his voice again. To call him back. To see him again before Thursday. Four whole days away.
But that would be a mistake. A huge, terrible mistake.
She already had no idea how she would handle Thursday. And the gig. And now hanging out with him after that.
Not to mention the emotional roller coaster of writing this song.
She sure didn’t need to add more emotional complication to her plate.
Kelsey shook her head and grounded herself back in reality. She grabbed her controller from Natalie and said, “I believe we were killing things?”