All done.
Daddy collapsed and sighed and waved his hands. “I need…you’re going to…”
“I’m going to give you cuddles, Daddy.” Lying on his chest kept him on the bed and made it so he was stuck. “Close your eyes. Be a good boy.”
He giggled.
He sighed.
He fell asleep.
I was amazing.
Best caretaker big boy ever.
Chapter 18
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Paxton’s frown and the way he was giving me a side-eye said he knew it wasn’t a good idea and he was just waiting for me to get less stupid.
“There’s only so long you can hide from them, cutie.” Shrugging as I pulled into the diner, I smiled and played dumb since the old farts said Lorne swore by it. “They like you. Don’t worry.”
His sigh said a lot but he didn’t let most of those thoughts out. “Alright, Daddy.”
He was such a happy date.
“I’ll get you a piece of cake. I know how much you like it.” That got a dramatic eye roll and I almost laughed as he let out another sigh.
“Because they tattled.” Paxton didn’t appreciate the local gossip network…and he’d liked it less when I’d gotten three phone calls yesterday wondering if I knew he’d gotten dessert for an afternoon snack.
Somehow everyone seemed to think anyone dating a known or suspected Daddy wasn’t allowed to pick out snacks by themselves.
I still wasn’t sure how that logic had come about, but Kenzie’s name jumped to the front of my mind.
Still, Paxton hadn’t appreciated it.
“They’re going to know you’re not the most boring grown-up in the room if you say they tattled.” That got another dramatic huff from my adorable nut, but after a second, he sat straighter and nodded.
“You’re right.” Taking a deep breath, he seemed to be thinking about the situation more rationally as he stared at the front of the diner. “My personal life is my business. You’re Fraser and we’re mates. That’s all they need to know.”
“Technically, we don’t have to say the mate part if you don’t want to. It’s really nobody’s business until we decide to share it.” That had him nearly going cross-eyed and my IQ dropped a dozen points judging by his glare. “Or not.”
“You’re mine! That’s what the internet said.” His voice went up several octaves and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. “You’re my Daddy! They have to know I belong to you! I’m your mate!”
Oh, Daddy’d dun fucked up.
“You do. You belong to me.” Pausing just long enough to make sure the Jeep was in park, I leaned over and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him close so his forehead rested against mine. “You’re mine, and I’m your mate and your Daddy. That will not change no matter if we talk about it today or next week or next month after we go on vacation and get married by Elvis or a cruise captain.”
Blinking, his anger popped like a balloon. “I like boats, Daddy.”