Page 44 of Wishes and Research

“I like later.” Paxton wasn’t really little any longer but he definitely wasn’t big or in charge because he just looked down at his naked chest and frowned. “Yes, later.”

Continuing to take off his clothes, I let him process for a few more seconds, but once I had him down to his wonderfully tiny briefs that were barely containing his cock, I poked at the situation again. “Do you remember our plan?”

Standing up, I kissed his cheek and gently cuddled him against me. It took the barest amount of pressure to have him curling into my chest and after a few seconds, he nodded. “I’m getting my massage and a reward because I was a good boy and that’s the rules. Then I’m probably going to fall asleep but not because I’m tired, that just happens after big rewards, and then I think you’re going to tell me about the bugs and why the men are weird.”


“Yes, that’s our plan.” Since he didn’t seem overly concerned about the rest of our afternoon, I focused on the order he’d listed out. Massage. Orgasm. Nap. “You’re going to love your massage.”

Kissing his head, I eased back enough to take off his underwear, and as it slid to the floor, I shifted him toward the bed. “Up, little bug. Stretch out on your tummy and relax.”

His head bobbed and he climbed up without seeming to have any issue with being naked and beautifully erect. “Yes, we’ve got a plan.”

More nods followed until he was lying down on the bed and then just went boneless. “Plans are important. Daddies like plans. The men said so. The internet did too.”

“You’re so smart.” Grabbing some lotion off the nightstand, I toed off my socks and then climbed on the bed. When I straddled his thighs, he sighed and closed his eyes, making me smile. “Good boy. You’re going to relax and I’m going to make you feel so good.”

He might’ve tried to nod but his body just jerked as he made another happy, exhausted sound. “And…and my reward. I was a good boy.”

He learned lessons very thoroughly.

I was going to remember that going forward, but for the time being as I started to make long strokes on his back, I was just glad the connection between good behavior and rewards was something I completely approved of.

“Yes, you were a very good boy today.” I wasn’t completely sure what he was listing off to have earned his good boy status, but I wasn’t going to argue with him. “And you’re going to get a reward because of it.”

Whatever he’d done was definitely good enough to earn an orgasm, especially when he was so sweet and so trusting.

“Yes…” Moaning as I hit a good spot, it took Paxton a few minutes to come back to his thought. It wasn’t until I was most of the way down his back before he remembered he’d been going to say something. “I…I was nice to the weird men who think we’re married and I showed you my weird bugs even though I don’t know what they’re doing and I asked you to take care of me. I even…I even told you that the old men are making me crazy.”

Yeah, he had been really good about explaining how nuts they were making him.




“Ignore the weird men, little bug. I promise we haven’t gotten married without you knowing it.” I was going to have a long talk with those old farts. Enthusiasm didn’t mean they got to just announce who they thought were mates.

Paxton moaned as I started working at the knots in his lower back. Bending over all morning hadn’t done his body any favors. “That’s good, Daddy. I thought you’d tell me if you’d married me.”

Dragons above.

“Yes, I’d have told you.” I was doing my best not to laugh, but he was making it difficult.

“You’d have kept me last night too. I knew that.” Sighing softly, Paxton seemed to lose a bit more of his wakefulness as I got the muscles to relax. “You’re the keeping kind of Daddy.”

“You are very smart.” And sexy as fuck with long lean muscles that matched his long lean cock too. “I will definitely keep you with me once we get married.”

He let out a soft giggle. “I knew it. You’re going to keep me.”

Since he didn’t seem to have a problem with that, I didn’t bother denying it or talking around it. “Yes, but I’m going to be patient and not be a pain in the ass about it.”

That got more giggles out of him but they were cut off by another yawn that distracted him until I’d found the knots at his hips. Working out the tension had him rocking his cock into the bed and moaning. “I…you…nobody ever wanted to keep me.”


“Because the fates knew you were meant for me. They couldn’t let anyone else have you.” He was my mate. Of course no one else could keep him. “I know it’s hard to understand when it takes so long to find your special person, but I’ve been waiting for you and I’m very excited to keep you.”