“Just with Daddies, right?” I closed my eyes and thought of sitting on Daddy’s lap and getting tinglies again. “Did you hear me?”
“Stop thinking naughty things in the parking lot, cutie.” Daddy was frowning when I opened my eyes, but I could see he was thinking naughty things too. “That’s distracting.”
I was distracting.
“Daddies are amazing.” Yes, I wasn’t going to promise not to distract him. The men said I had to look cute and stupid to make it work, though. Hmm. Big eyes. No promises. “Thank you for my juice.”
It worked.
He rolled his eyes but didn’t make me promise. “I can’t believe you’ve already found bad influences.”
“Lorne did it.” Wow. That worked too.
“Good grief.” Daddy sighed. “That’s very believable, though.”
The men said it would be and they were right.
I didn’t think I should tell Daddy that, though, so I sipped my juice. “You got the good kind. It doesn’t have the yucky bits. Sometimes I have to drink the yucky kind because that’s what grown-ups do but the internet said that littles don’t have to do that.”
That was the best part about being little.
I got to be a picky eater and no one could tell me I was being ridiculous.
Daddy laughed and kissed my cheek. “You found out lots of wonderful information, but it’s time to head home, my cute little distraction.”
Not admitting that.
“We need lunch, Daddy.” Yes, I was supposed to change the subject and look cute. “I can’t wait for my massage.”
No giggling.
No giggling.
Daddy looked suspicious again. “What kind of massage do you want?”
Oh, Daddy was trying to be distracting too.
“Hmm?” I pretended to think as he took me around and opened my door. “I think I’d like any kind.”
Daddy almost gave me his naughty smile as he buckled me up. “Any kind, huh?”
Nodding, I kissed his cheek. “Because I’m your good boy and I’m patient and I worked hard and it’s like cuddling for hard work. We were both very good today.”
And good boys got rewards.
And good Daddies liked rewarding their boys.
Daddy’s eyes got his naughty sparkle. “You were very good.”
He remembered that too.
Daddy was so smart.
“Lunch first, though. I can hear your tummy growling.” He even remembered he had to feed me first.