Perfect. Michelle is already heading my way, so I don’t have to get out of the car.

“Hey, sweetie,” I call when she’s close enough.

“Hi, Dad! Hi, Mrs. Percy!" Michelle chirps, her eyes bright with excitement. I impatiently tap my foot as she skips over.

“Well, if it isn't my favorite little helper!” Mrs. Percy responds, her warm smile matching Michelle's enthusiasm.

“I made a drawing today in art class!” Michelle says proudly, holding up her colorful picture for Mrs. Percy to see.

Squinting, I look over Mrs. Percy’s shoulder to see that the image is of three stick people. A father, a daughter...and some woman not resembling Maddie in the slightest.

Oh boy. What is that all about?

"Wow, that's impressive!" Mrs. Percy exclaims. She clearly doesn’t read into it. “Did you have a good day? A good lunch?”

“Yep. PB&J sandwich, carrot sticks with ranch, and grapes!” Michelle answers, her voice bubbling with excitement.

“Sounds delicious! Did you remember to share with your friends?”

Michelle nods eagerly. “Yes, ma’am. Sharing is caring!”

Mrs. Percy ruffles Michelle's hair affectionately. “That's right, sweetie. You're such a thoughtful little girl.”

I shake my head in admiration as Michelle and Mrs. Percy chat animatedly. It warms my heart to see Michelle's outgoing personality shining through. I don’t want to cut their conversation short, but it’s time to get going.

“Alright,” I announce. “Let’s go, honey. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Michelle waves goodbye and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I pull out of the parking lot. Through my rearview, I can see Michelle staring at her drawing. She pulls her mom’s handkerchief out of her pocket and holds onto it rightly.

“You okay back there?” I begin thinking of how she must be missing her mom.


“So, who’s the woman in your picture?”

“Me, you, and my teacher.”

I raise an eyebrow as I pull back onto the main street. “Your teacher? Why is she in the picture with us?”

“Ms. Rose has a crush on you,” she teases, batting her eyes and holding her hand to heart.

My eyes burst open, and a laugh escapes me. I sure needed that. Michelle is the only person who can make me laugh like this. She lets me be myself and loves me for the workaholic that I am. There’s no reason to share my small joys with anyone outside our small, comfortable circle.

“You must be imagining things.” I take a left turn.

“Nope. She kept asking about you and being extra nice to me. She gave me chocolates.”

“No way. Are you playing matchmaker?”

“Not with her,” she giggles under her breath. “I like Chloe. I thought maybe she’d be with you today.”

My jaws drop. “What now?”

“She’s cool, remember? And pretty. How is she?”

I blink at her in the rearview mirror.