My eyes widen. “You knew? I don’t even think she did at the time.”
“She didn’t, not really. But I saw it in how she was with you. And how you were with her.” She gives me a knowing look. “And, with Zack. Hell, the three of you were inseparable and I was waiting for this day. Didn’t think it wouldcome so many years later, but I’m happy.”
“You knew I had feelings for Cora?” Zack asks, sounding confused.
“I did.” She nods. “And I was fine with it. As long as you treat each other right. I even mentioned something to your father when he asked why the two of you were so close. He didn’t like that idea.” Rose says, groaning as she looks at me.
“Trust me, I know.” Zack grumbles.
“What do you mean?” Rose asks him.
“Doesn’t matter. It’s in the past.” He waves her off but my heart hurts. I hate my father. I’m glad he’s gone. Hurting me is one thing, but never the people I love.
“What matters is we’re together now. We’re happy and...” Zack grins so damn big. “Cora agreed to be our surrogate.”
Rose gasps. “Oh my god!” She jumps to her feet and we stand up. “I’m so happy.” She hugs us both tightly. “Oh, this is amazing.”
“You’re really okay with all this?” I ask her.
“I’m more than okay, love.” She cups my cheeks. “Welcome back to the family, Cora. We’ve missed you.”
God, I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that. I start to cry and she hugs me like a mother would their child. I’ve always loved Rose and felt safe with her. I feel like I’m home again, and I hope I never have to leave.
Chapter 24
“You look radiant, baby.” Kimmy steps up behind me. I watch her in the mirror as she brushes my hair off my shoulder and kisses me softly. I let out a shaky breath and bite my lower lip.
“Thank you. You look stunning.” She’s dressed in a deep green gown, her dark hair down in loose waves and pinned to the side. My mouth literally waters at her beauty.
“This dress is perfect for you. I knew it the moment I thought about what I was going to dress you up in. I made a few changes though, so it was perfect for you.” It’s a navy sequin dress with a slit that goes up to my hip. It’s amazing. I feel like a princess in it. Like Kimmy, my hair is down in long loose curls, only mine isn’t pinned back on the side.
She runs her hands over my belly, making my pulse pick up speed as she slowly inches her hand down. I grab it and smile. “Kimmy.”
“Yes, my baby.” She grins at me in the mirror before her tongue flicks out, licking the shell of my ear. I close my eyes and suck in a breath.
“If you keep doing that, we’re going to miss the show.”
“I think I’d much rather stay here and play with you,” she purrs.
“Play later. Right now, we have to go show off to the world just how amazing my wife is.” Zack’s voice sounds from behind us.
Kimmy steps away and we both turn to face him. I watch as his lids lower, his lips parting slightly as he takes us in. “On second thought.” His voice comes out thick and husky. “I think I like Kimmy’s idea much better.”
“Smart man.” Kimmy chuckles.
“Nope.” I laugh, grabbing Kimmy’s hand and pulling her towards the door, my heels clicking against the floor. As we pass Zack, I grab his too. “Zack is right. Play later.”
“That’s a promise.” Kimmy tells me.
“Damn right, it is,” Zack adds. And I smile.
These two. I love them so much it hurts. We still haven’t said the words yet, but I can tell they feel it. When the time feels right, I’ll tell them. Maybe a part of me is still afraid that this is too good to be true and everything is going to come crashing down around me soon. Like if I say those three words, everything becomes real and I’ll lose the best things to ever happen to me. I just can’t risk it, not yet.
We take a limo again. Any time it’s the three of us, this seems to be our method of transportation. I’m not complaining, I love being able to sit next to both of them.
It’s like we’re all a little obsessed with each other and it’s perfect.