Lucia tapped her chin. “Can we have hot cocoa and watch Disney?”

Grace held out her hand and together they walked back to the kitchen, where Irene was in the process of cleaning up the breakfast dishes. “Sorry, Irene, but would it be possible to get two cups of hot cocoa with cream brought out to the family room?”

Irene stopped, turned off the faucet, and reached for a towel as she looked toward them. Her short brown hair was only held back with a band, keeping it from her face and showing off her bright eyes. “I think I can manage that, ma’am. I only need to know one thing.” She moved to the cupboard and pulled down two mugs, one of average size and one notably taller and about as wide around. “Which size?”

Lucia tugged on Grace’s hand, already blinking her big brown eyes pleadingly when Grace looked down at her. “Please?” she asked, drawing the word out in classic begging fashion.

Grace grinned. “I think we have our answer.” She ushered Lucia out of the kitchen, and out of Irene’s way. “Any thoughts on the movie?”

Lucia tipped her head back. “You can pick. We have the subscription, so we have all of them!”

“All of them?”

“I’m pretty sure.”

“Well that is impressive.” Grace patted the sofa beside her and picked up the remote.

Approximately two hours later, Lucia bounced back into the family room, still full of too much energy, and clasped her hands behind her back. Sweet smile plastered on her face, she asked, “Miss Grace, if you’re feeling better, can we go into the yard and play in the snow? Just for a little bit?”

Grace set down the phone she knew she wasn’t supposed to be checking and glanced out the window. It had started snowing again during the movie, but that seemed to have already let up. It is a snow day. And what else were children supposed to do on snow days but play in the snow? At least she hadn’t asked to go all the way to the park or a neighborhood playground. So Grace set her phone down and stood. “All right. But not more than thirty minutes. Neither of us needs to be catching colds.”

“Yay! Thank you!” Lucia spun and darted toward the foyer.

Grace followed after her calmly, unsurprised that Lucia was already booted up and buttoned into her coat. “Don’t forget your gloves for your fingers,” Grace said as she did the same.

Lucia quickly tugged soft blue mittens from her pockets and pulled them over her hands.

When they were ready, Grace opened the door and led the way down the front steps. They could have gone out back, but most of Romeo’s backyard space was occupied by a large pool and hot tub combo, with more solid surface surrounding it undoubtedly for warm weather gatherings and fun. The front yard, therefore, was better for letting a child run and play in snow. At least to Grace’s mind.

They were only outside two minutes before Enrico came up, head swiveling between Grace and Lucy as the two attempted to roll a ball of snow. “Is … everything all right?”

“It’s a snow day, Enny!” Lucia exclaimed before Grace could answer.

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“We’re just having some thematically appropriate fun,” Grace said. “It’s helping to burn off the extra chocolate.”

This time his lips twitched. “I see. I’ll leave you to it, then.” He inclined his head and disappeared back to the guard house closer to the front of the property.

Lucia giggled. “He’s so strict. I should’ve told him to help us with this snowman!”

“He has a job to do, Lucy,” Grace said. They managed to roll an oblong shape of snow onto the lowest step, as per Lucia’s instructions. “Your dad trusts him because he insists on doing it right.” Had making snowmen always been so strenuous?

Lucia sighed dramatically. “I suppose.” She clapped her mittens together. “Okay, next layer!”

They got the snowman made and decorated with the help of a spare scarf Lucia fetched from inside. When that was done, Lucia turned to Grace and asked, “Can we make snow angels?”

Grace looked back toward the yard space. There was certainly plenty of snow still on the ground. “I don’t see why not.” She reached out and pulled up Lucia’s hood. “Then it's inside and a change of clothes, maybe a warm shower, okay?”

Lucia bobbed her head with a beaming smile and all but flopped onto the blanket of snow. “I’m so happy you’re playing in the snow with me! Daddy doesn’t like the cold that much. He’ll build a snowman if I ask real nice, but that’s about it.”

Grace laid herself down onto the snow and began sweeping out her arms and legs. She had positioned herself so that her head was nearly touching Lucia’s, therefore their arms weren’t in danger of smacking into each other and it was easy to hear each other talk. “That explains the big pool out back. I bet summers are fun.”

“Summers are real fun!” Lucia exclaimed. “I learned how to swim in that pool, although I’m still not allowed without supervision. But Daddy says I’m old enough to have pool party birthdays if I want now!” She paused. “Although I did ask to go to the Smithsonian this year. I guess I’ll have to talk him into the pool party another time.”

Grace choked on a laugh. “The Smithsonian? You want to go to a museum for your birthday?” Was she talking to a seven-year-old?

“The National Air and Space Museum, specifically,” Lucia said. “I’m super excited about it! It’s got all sorts of cool old plane stuff!”