Romeo caught the tear on his thumb and wiped it away. “No, Lucy. You’ll see for yourself eventually, Grace has a big heart. She understands this is new and scary for you. She just doesn’t want you to hate her.”
“I don’t!” More tears rolled free and Lucia clutched his shirt. “I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “I did a bad thing and I’m sorry! I don’t hate Miss Grace … I was just scared…”
Romeo pulled her close, kissed her forehead, and murmured, “As long as you understand, then I’m not mad. But I’m not the one who deserves the apology, princess.” An idea occurred to him and he stood, turning back to the counter. He gave the tea one more stir, removed the spoon, and held out the cup. “Why don’t you take this to her as a token of apology? Walk carefully so you don’t trip or spill.”
Lucia accepted the cup with both hands, staring into the steaming liquid. “Is Miss Grace not feeling well?”
Flashes of his future sister-in-law’s impromptu visit played in his mind and Romeo struggled to keep the frown off his face. “Her head’s still bothering her,” he said. There hadn’t been any hiding a bandage wrapped around a head from a seven-year-old, after all, so they’d had to tell Lucia something on the night Grace first came home from the hospital.
Lucia looked up at him, her expression worried, and then she nodded. “Okay. I’ll take it to her!” She turned, moving more carefully than usual, and walked from the kitchen.
He hoped this was a good sign. He hoped this meant Lucia would start coming around to things, instead of giving Grace the cold-shoulder treatment. Only time would tell. He leaned his hip on the counter, warring with his instinct to hover and the need to show a little trust. So he settled for taking the opportunity to make a quick call and slipped his phone from his pocket.
Mikey answered on the third ring. “Don’t you have a family to pay attention to?”
Romeo rolled his eyes. “Technically you’re also family, little brother.”
“Just tell me what you want. I’ve got about five hundred things going on.”
“Light day, then?” Romeo couldn’t help but tease. Though he kept it brief. “I was hoping you had an update on Amber. I haven’t heard anything since yesterday and I’m getting nervous.”
Mikey sighed. “She was driven off the school’s property yesterday,” he said. “Hold on.” About five seconds of silence passed before he seemed to find what he wanted. “So, she was basically chased away with the threat of arrest if she ever returned. I’ve updated her face into my system, if she shows up on any security network I operate, I’ll know. As for where she is currently, your guess is as good as mine.”
Romeo ground his teeth. Even Mikey wasn’t magic, he supposed that was the most he could hope for aside from a surprise arrest. Which in itself was not necessarily the best answer—he wanted her far away, not merely restricted. “All right. Thanks, Mikey.” He disconnected and made his way toward the family room.
Lucia was sitting sideways on the sofa half a foot away from Grace, rambling on about a story she’d told at dinner. Which she’d told specifically to him. Grace had heard every word, of course, but still she was watching and smiling and even looked to be laughing a little as if the story were new.
Romeo held back and watched for a second, appreciating the sight. Only a moment. Grounded was grounded. He cleared his throat as he stepped properly into the room, keeping his expression relaxed. “Okay, it’s time for bed, princess. Say goodnight.”
Lucia pouted up at him, but instead of protesting she slid to her feet, then looked back at Grace. “Goodnight, Miss Grace. I hope you feel better tomorrow.”
It had been a long time since Romeo had felt the kind of warmth that bloomed through his chest as he watched their short exchange.
Romeo took extra care to be gentle with her after the incident with Cait, and by Friday morning Grace indisputably felt better. Her head felt normal, and she was clear to shower again, but the most thrilling thing was that Lucia seemed to be giving her a chance. It was too soon to claim she’d won her future stepdaughter over by any means, but Lucia was talking to her. Lucia had even gone out of her way to sit with her.
Grace smiled to herself as she polished off her breakfast.
Romeo’s phone buzzed on the table and he scooped it up with the hand not holding his coffee. He chuckled. “Looks like someone gets a snow day.”
Grace’s eyes widened and she turned her gaze out the nearest window. She had noticed a thick layer of fresh, white snow covering the ground.
“Really?” Lucia asked, excitement filling her voice.
“Yep. The school just made it official,” Romeo said. “Enrico will be around, of course, but I still have to go into work for a couple hours this morning. And I’m taking Grace to a doctor’s appointment later.” He paused, glanced at Grace, then back to Lucia. “If you’re a real good girl until then, the three of us can go for lunch after. Anywhere the two of you agree on.”
Grace smiled and shifted her focus to the already squealing child. “I think we can make that happen. What do you say, Lucy? Can we team up for a yummy lunch this afternoon?”
“Yeah!” Lucy nearly knocked her juice over with her swinging arm. “Whoops,” she mumbled, catching the cup before it could spill. She looked back at Grace. “Are you going to be home today, too?”
Grace managed not to frown, irritated at the answer more than the question. “I am. I hope you don’t mind my company on your snow day.” After the incident with Cait and her body’s response, Dante had demanded she go home for the entire week. He declared he and Romeo would use the in-house applicants as temps to keep everything running, a veritable trial period all around. She hadn’t had a choice.
Romeo rubbed his hand down her back, leaned over, and placed a kiss on her temple. “It’s so cute the way you hate not working,” he teased. He set his coffee down and stood. “Well, one of us still has to work today. Come walk me out?”
The three of them migrated to the foyer, where Romeo buttoned himself into his coat before scooping Lucia up and kissing her forehead. He reminded her to behave herself as he set her down, and Lucia voluntarily stepped aside. Grace was almost startled by that, but she took her turn bidding Romeo a temporary farewell with a chaste kiss.
“Call if you need me,” Romeo said to them both before disappearing out the door.
Grace looked over at Lucia. “So, what should we do?”