“Right, sorry, forgot you’re having lady problems.” There was definitely a grin in Miguel’s voice, and Grace couldn’t help but wonder if he was an idiot or if the relationship between the De Salvos and their ‘men’ was actually so casual. It was hard to imagine, considering what she knew of Dante as an employer.

Romeo grunted. “And I’m starting to forget how Cris talked me into hiring you in the first place. Get to it, kid.”

As Romeo was speaking, Grace felt her phone buzz. It only buzzed once, which meant it was probably a text message, and since Romeo was preoccupied for the moment anyway, she opted to see what it was. If it was an email or social media notification, she’d just dismiss it.

In the background, she heard Miguel chuckle as if he were enjoying needling Romeo. “The rental car for that lady who dumped eggs all over your property,” he said. “One of the scouts found it abandoned and on the outskirts of town.”

Grace frowned at the thought that whoever that woman was, she was smart enough to know she’d needed to get away from that car quickly. Then she pulled up her text app and her frown deepened.

De Salvo, Dante: Something’s come up. Need you in the office immediately.

“What the fuck do you mean there’s a note?” Romeo demanded, the harsh tone of his voice drawing Grace out of her startled haze. She’d completely tuned out Miguel’s words as panicked scenarios of why she would possibly be called in had raced through her mind.

“Kinda what it sounds like,” Miguel replied. “Whoever this chick is, she doesn’t like you, man. Or she likes you in a real scary way. One of the two. But Mikey said you might want to come take a look, see if anything at the scene is familiar before it gets gone.”

Grace tucked her phone away and adjusted, feeling a little sad and a little irritated, but nonetheless recognizing that the world wasn’t going to wait. She pushed up and pressed her lips to Romeo’s cheek before whispering in his ear, “It’s okay.”

He blew out a breath. “Yeah, fine, text me the location. I’ll make my way there.” Then he disconnected and dropped the phone, shifting his focus to her. “Kicking me out, huh?”

She smiled and kissed him briefly, because she wanted to and because she knew her next words would only add to his agitation. “I actually got called in. Something serious must have happened.”

“You what?” His brows disappeared beneath the messy sweep of his bangs. “He promised—”

“It’s fine,” she said, squirming out of his hold while she could. “There’s a chance I won’t even have to work the whole rest of the day. It could be a quick fix.” She knew the chance was small, but technically, it was there. So she smoothed her hands down her shirt. “I’m not even going to change, and they’ll have to deal with me in improper footwear.”

Romeo snorted. “Angel, you’re wearing Ralph Lauren. No one’s going to care that it isn’t a suit.”

“Speaking of which…” She offered him her sweetest smile. “It’s still cold outside. Do you have a coat I can borrow?” She owed Felicity a lot for having a selection of her own clothes to wear, but that selection included only one pair of two-inch heels and no winter coat. She didn’t want to think about how or why a winter coat could have been forgotten in the coldest damn month of the year.

Romeo pushed to his feet with a sigh. “Of course I do. Let’s get you buttoned up and find you a driver.”

“I don’t need a driver.” She did need a car, though. And even if she assumed he’d lend her one, since he had at least three, she wasn’t so rude as to not ask.

She’d barely drawn breath to make the request before Romeo said, “The hell you don’t.” He turned, the entryway ahead of them but still out of reach, and pulled her into his chest. “This is something you have to get used to, Grace. You go out, someone else does the driving. Someone walks in your shadow, or a step ahead, depending on circumstances. The point is that you’re protected, because you coming home safe fucking matters to me and I have the manpower to do something about it.” He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. “Text me when you’re in the building and again when you’re heading out, I’ll do my best to be home by then.”

She rested her fingers on his chest. “I still think you’re overreacting,” she said softly. “But I can do that much.”

He only grunted before guiding her to the entry closet and withdrawing a warm-looking coat for her. While she stuffed herself into it, he pulled out his phone and typed out a quick text. Then he grabbed his own coat and they both stepped into their shoes—hers having been moved to the closet when they returned downstairs earlier.

Romeo held open the door for her, the blue of his eyes seeming brighter than usual. “No matter how many layers you pile on, I only ever want to peel them away again.”

Grace flushed, her body heating. She needed to keep her layers on for a few hours and let her body rest after all the ways he’d plundered it not half an hour before. Maybe getting called in to work was a good thing.

He led her outside, down the front steps, where his usual Navigator was idling. Behind that was a second, equally black but slightly smaller in profile, Lincoln Aviator. Mo stood next to a man Grace didn’t recognize, the pair of them buttoned into slimmer coats and waiting quietly, effectively between the vehicles.

Romeo motioned them forward and indicated the unfamiliar man, who looked to be similar to their own age. “Grace, this is Al. He’s going to be your driver and bodyguard for now. If he gives you trouble, let me know and I’ll replace him.” His voice hardened. “Al, you take her wherever she needs to go and you bring her back home to me. She is not to get a single fucking scratch on her, or I will make you wish it was my brother doling out the punishment. Is that clear?”

Al nodded sharply. “Yes, sir.”

Grace had so many questions. But this wasn’t the time, apparently.

Romeo tipped her chin up and stole one more kiss, clearly giving no fucks about their audience. “If you need anything,” he murmured against her lips, “just call me.”

She smiled. “I’ll let you know when I’m on my way home.” The words fell off her tongue before she could even question them, and by the time she was buckled into the backseat of the Aviator, her mind was racing. She’d spent half a night in Romeo’s massive home. She couldn’t possibly feel such a strong emotional attachment to the place already.

She watched through the window as his Navigator followed the faintly curved drive out and away from the property just ahead of them. No, it wasn’t the house or the larger, gated property on which it sat. It was the man, and the sense of warmth, comfort, and safety he provided her. Still, it’s so fast.

“Where to, ma’am?” Al asked as they eased past the gate.