I’ve always loved all versions of Cinderella, but when it comes to Graham and me, even though I don’t have stepsisters or talk to mice, I recognize that the clock once struck midnight on our time together. And it seemed I loved my shoes too much to have left a slipper behind. Still, he somehow knew where to find me.
Now, as I wait in the middle of a field, my dress clinging sweetly to my curves in the wind, the cool breeze pulsing through the ends of my hair and wrapping me in a hug, I’m finally ready to step into tomorrow with hope.
Sensing his presence, I turn to see Graham walking across the field in his tux, chamomile tucked into his suit pocket like a pocket square. My heart picks up at the determination evident on his face, at the gentle way his eyes caress me, his grin radiant. While a walk across the field from a Regency man is worth swooning over, Graham walking toward me with such affection on his face is worth committing my life to. Because he knows what it is to love me even when I don’t know how to receive it. And I love him for it. So much that I could burst.
“Hi, my little wildflower,” he says softly when he’s close enough.
It’s a new nickname, and I immediately decide it’s the inspiration for my next tattoo. I think I could have it etched across my ribs and be happy with it always. He pauses as if he doesn’t know if he can touch me or if this is all a dream we’ll both wake up from in the morning. We’ve both had enough nightmares apart to want to do everything we can to stay in a dream state for the rest of our days.
“Lily, you’re my heart. You’ve become all of it.”
He repeats the words that have stayed with me since LA and now mean everything to me. There may be a hint of a sting hearing the phrase from long ago, but there’s no pain this time. He’s making things right between us with his words, showing me that everything we’ve shared has forged something immovable. We’ve built our own castle, if you will.
“Good,” I whisper.
A tear slips down my cheeks as he stands close to me. His arms wrap around my waist to pull me against him. I feel the warmth of his hand through the satin where it rests on my lower back. The texture of his suit against my cheek is soft. He smells like fresh air and a place I can breathe freely until I run out of time. With him, I know that, no matter how life unfolds, no matter where I wander, I have a home to come back to.
“Please, just . . . keep being patient with me?”
I scrunch my nose to hold the emotion at bay as I lift my arms to wrap them around his neck, and he nods. The buttons of his suit jacket push into the fabric near my ribs, yet I pull him even closer still. I never want to let him go. I marvel at the love he holds for me. He’s chosen me every time. And I choose him now, forever.
“So, are we really doing this thing?” I whisper into his ear. “Because you’re it for me, got it?” I manage to get the words out, and the rightness of them sinks deep.
His beard sends shivers down my spine as he nuzzles into my neck, the warmth of his lips leaving a little trail of fire that descends into my bones. “I do now.”
Chapter Thirty-Four
We eloped!” Lily blurts out, her left hand held up to show off the wedding band we added less than six hours ago, her smile as shiny as the diamond she’s now carrying around.
Sparrow’s face lights up the phone screen, a look of both shock and excitement crossing her face.
“My man!” I hear Rafe yell in the background with a whoop. He peeks over Sparrow’s shoulder in disbelief.
“I know, I know,” Lily continues. “It’s unbelievable, and I don’t want you to hate me because you’re still not here—you just had to go back to Nashville instead of coming home first. We asked Pastor Wilfred to perform a ceremony in a wildflower field in front of that old castle we’ve always loved, Sparrow. The reception was pretty spotty up there, and I didn’t want to bug you. Also, you’re probably wondering if Graham was coerced into this, but I promise he was just as excited to elope as I was. He willingly wanted this.”
Rafe and I give each other knowing grins, and I hold back a laugh. Of course Lily feels the need to explain why we decided to get married and make sure no one thinks this was a drunken decision. Impulsive? Yes. Necessary? Also, yes. It was time.
“How can I be mad that I missed it when I’m so happy for you?” Sparrow is nearly squealing with joy.
Both women have tears in their eyes, silently communicating their mutual joy without actually speaking any words.
“Can you believe it?” Lily exclaims.
“This is just the best!” Sparrow replies.
And then they’re saying bits of words that make no sense on their own but clearly make sense to them.
“So soon!”
“The ring!”
“Honeymoon later!”
“Not an existential crisis!”
I bite my lip and ping-pong my focus between the two women, hopeful that this conversation is still working in my favor and isn’t a secret cry for help.