I knew where his house was. It wasn’t far from the clubhouse. He and Rock live next door to each other about ten minutes down the road.
Sabotage guides me over to his bike, twists me around, lifts me up, and plants me on the back of it before climbing on in front of me. “Hold tight, baby,” he shouts as he starts the bike, revving the sweet ride until she’s vibrating between my legs. It’s not the first time I’ve been behind him on his bike, but it’s the first time I’m on it heading to his house. To his personal domain.
Until he came for me, and brought me back home, I didn’t think I’d be seeing the inside of his home.
By the time we get to his house, I’m more than a bit nervous. Not of him. Not of what I know we’ll be doing when we get in there. But nervous about what it means to be inside. To my knowledge, he’s never brought a woman here. Or that’s what Fawn had said while talking one day months ago.
“Time to get off, gorgeous,” Sabotage says while lowering the kickstand in place with his booted foot.
“Okay,” I whisper, a bit breathy. I release my grip on him and slide my hands around his waist. Trailing my hands across his cut and up to brace them on his shoulders as I swing a leg over, hopping off.
I barely clear the bike before Sabotage is off, gets in my space, grips either side of my hips, and lifts. I’ve no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.
Sabotage carries me from the bike up his porch. Without putting me down, he unlocks and opens the door. Stepping into the house, he kicks the door shut with his foot.
I don’t get the opportunity to look around. Not that I’m really worried about seeing the inside of the house at the very moment. Not when he’s got his hands on my ass and the bulge in his jeans pressing into me. He’s hard and ready. I don’t have to think to know I’m ready for him. Riding with him, being pressed against him, feeling the vibration of his bike between my legs, oh yeah, I’m more than ready for him.
There’s no way I couldn’t be. This is Sabotage, the man I’m in love with. He’s the one I couldn’t help but fall for. I think I fell for him before I even realized I was falling. Regardless, we’re together now. He wants me, and I want him. Nothing else matters. Okay, so it does, but not at this moment.
Only the two of us, here and now. No one around to interrupt, which had happened twice at the clubhouse. No one is around to hear him make me scream from the pleasure he gives me. It’s unbelievable, but now, with us alone in his house, I just know it’s going to be off the charts and completely indescribable.
Sabotage carries me through the house to what I assume is his room. He moves through the room until he’s putting me on the bed, his body coming with me. Mouth brushing mine as he speaks. “I’ve got you all to myself, baby, and we’re going to make the most of it.”
“Is that so?”
“Damn right, it is. I hope you’re ready for me.”
“I’m always ready for you.” He knows this. My body is his and his alone.
“Yeah,” he says all raspy-like. “You are.”
Then he kisses me. All mouth, and tongue. His hands moving everywhere. It’s hot, and just like I thought, by the time he gets anywhere close to taking me, it’s already amazing. When the time comes for him to sink himself inside, words don’t describe it. If I had to, it would be he’s making love to me. Hands roaming. Mouth kissing. Cock thrusting inside, nice and slow. He makes my body burn. By the time I come, it’s world-shattering and soul-searing.
I would have thought he’d finish inside me as he has every other time after making me come, but he doesn’t. He pulls out and strokes himself until he comes, cum shooting out the tip, landing on my stomach and breasts. The hot liquid is like a branding I never thought possible could be seen as sexy, but from the look in his eyes, oh, it most definitely is.
Once the last drop leaves him, he moves to enter me all over again, this time not taking me slow and sweet. It’s hot. It’s sexy. Especially when he draws a finger through his cum and brings it up to my lips, and orders me to suck it. I did and loved it.
The way his eyes flash, he does too.
Sabotage stays inside me, moving, thrusting hard and fast, leaving me panting for more. By the time he finds his release again, I’m completely spent. My body aches in the way only he can make it do so. The only thing I find myself able to do is let sleep claim me.
The sun streams through the windows, waking me with its morning light. The warmth of it has nothing on that of the man holding me to him. Waking with Sabotage is always nice, but this morning, it feels different for some reason. Maybe it’s because we’re all alone.
It could be that his bed here is way more comfortable than the one in his room at the clubhouse. Or maybe it’s just Sabotage himself. We didn’t talk much last night mainly because we were too busy doing other things. Things I absolutely enjoyed doing. When we weren’t, we’d been sleeping. The only time we weren’t doing either was when he awoken me to eat pizza with him. Even that was done in his bed.
I loved sitting with him. It was like he was completely at ease. Totally relaxed, and giving himself to me in a way he hadn’t already.
Now with the morning light, I’m hoping we’ll be able to stay and enjoy the peace we have here, away from everyone else. I know it can’t happen. Not with the issues at hand. Not with the Bishop’s Disciples threatening the club.
I wish more than anything I could get rid of the threat myself, but in order to do that, I have to give myself over to them. If I were a selfless person, I’d hand myself over to them in a heartbeat to save the others, but I know it won’t help. They’ll still go after Vaeh and Gianna.
Plus, a part of me wants to be a bit selfish and think only of myself. Of what I want, what I need in my life. If they get their hands on me again, I’ll never have that. I’ll end up dying if it comes down to it. And I don’t want to die. I want to stay right where I’m at.
“You’re thinking too damn hard.”
I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of Sabotage’s raspy, sleep-filled voice. Lifting my head off his chest, I cock my head to look at him. Seeing the light in his eyes causes butterflies in my stomach.
“How would you know if I’m thinking hard about something?” I ask, cocking a brow.