She repeated the words like a mantra, hoping he saw the truth in her eyes and understood the sincerity of them on her face. She couldn’t have made herself clearer without saying anything.
Please understand.
“Look at me.” His rough, quiet command startled her. She reared back, her eyes colliding with his. She had never seen a man more beautiful and deadly. His piercing gaze ripped her out of herself, leaving her with only her soul exposed.
They were so close that she could see his dark jade irises, the jagged scar that ran down his cheek, and the tension in his jaw. She was so close to him; not only could she see the thick silkiness of his eyelashes, but she felt his wordless, hidden rage like a forest fire, eating her up slowly from the inside out.
If his hands were not restrained, he wouldn’t hesitate to curl them around her throat and squeeze. None of them would have hesitated, given the chance.
The word ‘please’ played in her mind, and she had to bite her lip to stop saying it out loud. She wasn’t sure if she would be asking him to believe she didn’t have a part in this or asking him for help so his body could penetrate hers. So he could come inside her. So she could repeat the ritual twice more and appease the council, distracting them while she and her sisters made a run for it.
But he was too big. She was too inexperienced. She didn’t think she could willingly take him any deeper inside her body. Her flight response had settled in, and she didn’t know what to do anymore. She stopped herself from having a complete meltdown. She was stronger than this, wasn’t she? No…
Fear crumbled her resolve. Her body had rigidified, keeping him stuck in the shallow part of her pussy, unable to remove himself or go any deeper.
Oh god, what was she going to do?
Chapter Six
Alexandria gasped when the green-eyed man beneath her moved his body in such a way that she was tossed up, keeping the precarious connection his cock had with her while her breasts crashed against his face.
She cried out in sheer shock when he used his teeth and ripped through the flimsy fabric, bearing her whole breast for his view. His mouth opened on the flesh just above her areola, his teeth sinking into her so painfully that she tried to push away from him, petrified he would draw blood from her.
But the more she fought, the harder he bit. And the more she pulled at his hair, the more he pushed his hips up against her, driving more of his cock into her.
Oh god, help her.
She didn’t know what to do except be still. But when she remained still, he started to suck on her breasts, making her nipple ache for his hot mouth just inches away. A shameful moan fell from her mouth, her body flushing with mortification and her mind drowning in a well of confusion.
She shuddered in bewilderment. A gush of liquid pooled in her pussy as he licked, sucked, and bit her breast. He slowly inched out of her center and then pushed in again, using nothing but the power in his thighs, as if she weighed nothing while she sat astride his lap.
The wetter she got, the harder he sucked, letting her know his mouth would leave a bruise on her body, one she would take with her out of this dungeon.
He growled against her skin, biting her so deep that nothing could stop the squeal of pain that hoarsely emanated from her. She tamped down, verbalizing her plea for him to stop. She couldn’t contaminate the ritual. Everything—their entire escape—depended on her doing it right this one time only.
She pulled at his hair, trying to draw him away, but he thrust the colossal length of his cock inside her.
She sobbed against him, her tears dripping down her breasts. He took a moment to suck them up before he laved her skin with his tongue while his thickness filled out even more inside her, breaking her down until the head of his cock hit her hymen, making her bleed, changing the shape of her body, and the chemistry of her mind.
She didn’t dare to breathe; the pain of having her virginity taken left her too afraid to move in case she re-experienced his cock breaking into the depths of her.
Was this what it felt like? An indescribable fullness fractured her body, mind, and soul yet somehow made her wetter. Her clit ached for relief, a need so deviant that it had no place here.
“If you want me to come inside you, touch your clit.” His tone thickened, hoarse, rough, and soft in her ear, her breast now glistening wet from his mouth and already blood red.
A scarlet blush flooded her cheeks. She shook her head. The act was too vulgar to think of and too mortifying to do. Then it dawned on her. He was chained, defenseless, and doing her family’s bidding only because they had something over them that mattered more than their lives to them. But he still found a way to humiliate her, to show his power despite his circumstances.
He wanted to strip her of her pride and bring her to her knees. He wanted to degrade her, and she didn’t have the luxury of telling him to go to hell.
Time was against her. She needed them to fill her with their seed; it was the only way she could placate the priestesses after they inspected her so that they could report back favorably to the council. When she left the dungeon today, it meant she had done everything that was required of her, so neither she nor Rhea would have to come down here again.
She reached between her thighs, seeking out her clit, her fingers brushing accidentally over his rock-hard shaft, buried so deeply inside that she felt his touch in her veins. Ignominy coiled around her like hissing snakes. She wanted to die from the disgrace of it all, but she couldn’t.
When the hand of time is a quarter ’er noon, so cygnets will come to be, on fire and flight, to appease the gods and reap their treasures.
Fifteen minutes of which she had wasted a precious amount already.