“Please don’t kill my parents. Just let them live. I’ll do anything you want.”
“And what about your sister? What would you do for her?” Lachlan said softly.
She swiped angrily at the tear that slid down her face. They wouldn’t see her cry. Not today. She lifted the goblet to her lips and sipped, expecting the contents to be thick and vile but instead finding it smooth with a subtle taste of vanilla. She downed everything in the cup. If it was poison, then she’d made a mistake, thinking they would let Rhea live.
“Good girl. One of our men has escorted your sister, Rhea, to Paris. Her decision to seek asylum remained. We can see her at any time when she returns.”
She dropped her head; a funny feeling burned up her chest, but nothing could compare to the relief that Rhea was safe.
An explosion of heat shook her world off its axis. What was happening to her? She wanted to take off her clothes; she wanted to squeeze her breasts and her thighs together. Her nipples were as swollen as her clit.
Her gaze flickered over them, her body contracting the same way it had the day they had penetrated her with their cocks.
Oh god. Her breasts.
She pressed her hand against her chest, and her arm came away wet.
She looked for the robed man who had given her the potion. He was nowhere to be seen.
“I don’t know…” She started to claw at the front of her dress. The need to uncover her breasts and feel a cool breeze on them outweighed her sense of modesty.
What had they done to her?
Chapter Sixteen
Blood oozed to Alexandria’s cheeks. The madness inside her grew to exponential proportions. She clutched her breasts in desperation, giving over to her most elemental need as tears dripped down her face. She looked at the three men, looking at her.
Only their gazes flicked between her lips and her breasts. The fabric of the dress was now soaked.
With milk.
Her milk.
Her nipples were so sensitive, that even the softness of the silk felt like agony as it glided against the leaking centers of her breasts.
“Please,” she whimpered frantically, unable to stop herself from pulling the thick strap of the dress down and over her shoulders and arms, then stopping just before exposing her breasts.
Humbled by humiliation her gaze sped over to each of them, silently begging them to make it go away but instead, some primal part of her latched onto their mouths and that was all she needed.
Their hot mouths sucking on her nipples, pulling the copious amounts of milk from her full breasts to give her some relief.
“Why?” she whispered, hoarsely. Why had they given her that thing to drink? She was sure that had been the reason for her breasts spilling over with milk.
“Why?” Cian asked with a patient grin on his face. “Because we decided to end Swan House and revive Dragons Peak.”
“Did you know?” Lachlan said, pushing his chair back. He then curled an arm around her, picked her up, and carried her over to the base of their throne. He flipped her around, forced her to part her legs, and then pushed her down, so that she was bending over, her ass sticking out.
“Before Swan House came into existence, Dragons Peak had been the fourth family of The Console?” Lachlan continued as Cian took her wrist and slipped it into a leather cuff attached to the dragon. Bent over that way, gave her breasts some relief, until Slade moved the straps down, so that her breasts now hung freely, her milk dripping into another dragon-shaped chalice at the foot of the stone altar.
Oh god.
“But those of Dragon blood with hotheaded and temperamental, apparently, and it wasn’t long before a man named Wilfred Swan decided he would rewrite history.”
She nervously whipped her head around, trying to find Slade. His absence made her more nervous. She watched him pocket the butt plug before he picked up an incense stick the lit the tip in the roaring fire.
What was he going to do? Burn her. She started to rattle at the cuffs on her wrists. Her fear somehow sent a clenching rush to her pussy which now pulsed and made her wetter. The ache in her breasts became unbearable. She bit her lip to stop herself from asking them to suck her. She wouldn’t ever be able to live that down.