“It’s not fair,” she whined, squirming against him until he hissed harshly and dug his fingers into her thighs to stop her. “I want to see you.”
“Because I need to prepare you.”
“Wouldn’t being able to see you make preparing me easier?”
“I think it would. And I have more experience with this than you do. It’s my body. Believe me when I say I’ve figured out just what I like over the many years I’ve played around.”
“Fuck, woman,” he rumbled low, blasting delicious shivers over her flesh. “I am not one of your toys.”
“Hmm.” The thoughtful sound came out like a whimper as his cock twitched. “Maybe, but... I’m pretty sure I had a green one.”
His breath caught.
“I’d need a good look before I can judge for size, though,” she mustered through little gasps.
“Bold words for a fucking virgin,” he was stripping her of her pants now. Roughly forcing her feet out of the wool and tossing the slacks to join the pile.
“I might be a virgin, but I know what I like,” she gasped as he fingered the edge of her panties. “And that’s you, Govek.”
His breath left him, and his hands stilled.
She reached up to touch his cheek, turning her head to get a good look at his expression, but it was too much of a twist and his grip was too limiting to accomplish it.
So, she simply repeated her words. “I like you, Govek. I?—”
Before she could continue, Govek pushed her forward to her knees and yanked her panties off. She gasped as the cold air hit her damp pussy. For a scorching moment, she could feel his eyes on her, raking down her thighs. A thick curse left his lips, so low it made her core pulse. She shivered and craned her neck to see him.
He yanked her back before she could see his face, pulled her into a seated position again with her back tucked tight against his hot chest. She squirmed her hips against his groin and felt the fabric separating them.
Her brow furrowed in impatience. “You aren’t going to take your underwear off?”
“Fuck,” he breathed, pushing her away. She went back on her knees to give him room, looking over her shoulder so she could watch him strip. His hands were trembling as he reached for the fitted shorts, and in his haste, they tore. Her gut twisted at the repercussions of that even as her body flushed with pleasure that she’d gotten him so crazed.
And then his cock sprang free, and she gasped.
Dear lord almighty, he was huge—long and thick, and wide at the head. He put every one of her toys to absolute shame.
Delicious thrills shot through her. Anticipation and nervousness. Her knees spread a little, as if trying to beckon him.
Govek was frozen, eyes spearing her ass, her wet pussy. He snarled low and covered his face with his hand, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Fucking Fades, woman. Sit up.” He grabbed her shoulders and forced her back into a seated position.
Then he took up the place at her back again. His heat was so violent it seared up her spine.
“Get back here,” he managed between the clench of his teeth. “Right here.”
He gripped her ass again and pushed her into his cock. She could feel him between her cheeks, so long the tip was pressing into her lower back.
“Oh fuck,” she breathed, squirming on him, unable to help herself. His cock pulsed against her with every movement.
“Stop,” he hissed into her ear, which only made the burning pulse between her legs worse. “Stop or I’ll lose my fucking mind, Miranda.”