She shot him a mischievous grin that made his face pale. “In that case, I want my name tattooed on your ass.”

His brows shot up, and he paused before saying, “Only if you do the tattooing.”

“Y-you don’t want me to do that,” Miranda insisted, suddenly regretting her teasing. He sounded sincere. Would he really let her tattoo something on his butt? “I have horrible handwriting.” He was so sculpted, a fricking wall of muscle. She tried to imagine what his naked ass might look like and heat pooled in her stomach.

“What better way to immortalize it, then?”

“It would flipping hurt,” she laughed. He had to be joking, right? She could only imagine tattoo equipment in this era was pointed sticks and hammers.

“A permanent mark on my flesh would be quite a weighty boon, but I’m sure you’d find a way to make it up to me.”

Her laugh died in her chest, and the heat in her belly turned into an inferno. Her thighs clenched, and she sank deeper into the spring until her mouth was covered by the water.

Was he sure he didn’t want to make babies?

Did they have birth control here?

Still squirmy and raw, Miranda swam toward a rock jutting up from the surface near the center. “I’m, uh, going to wash my hair.”


She turned to find Govek standing near the edge of the pool, his posture tensed, his muscles bulging. His hair was disheveled and framing his face.

More heat rolled through Miranda’s gut, made her squirm and ache. Worse than it had when he’d gotten all rumbly about the “Greek god” thing.

Damn. She wanted him.

Gulping hard, she managed past her own reservations and asked breathlessly, “Do you... want to help?”

His emerald eyes widened, glittering. A shudder raked over his shoulders.

And then he swung off his cloak.

Before she could even manage a full breath, Govek had turned to dig through his pack. He put on brown leather gloves, which confused her to no end, and retrieved a palm sized, corked vile, which was a mystery.

Then he wrenched off his shoes.

And his pants.

Her heart skittered to a blazing halt at the sight of his bare legs, the muscles of his calves. The shape of his thighs where they met the firm globe of his ass.

He was still wearing a stupid pair of black boxer-like underwear. She wanted to rip them off.

He turned to face her, and she got a glimpse of him head-on. Huge frame. Rippling abs. Strong jaw.

The tight-fitting shorts outlined the—now clear—bulge of his cock. Her breath left her in a rush.

She enjoyed big toys, but Govek was massive enough to put them to shame. Nervousness and excitement danced in her veins as he lifted his head slightly and scented the air. He growled low, stalking toward her, water splashing around him.

Oh, she was in big trouble and she couldn’t wait.

“Turn around,” Govek demanded when he was still ten or so feet away.

She resisted the urge to pout, eyes still stuck on his groin, which she now could hardly see because of the water’s depth. “Why?”

He let out a low rumbling growl that forced her eyes back to his face. His expression was tense as he teetered the bottle before her eyes. “I am offering to fix your hair.”

“Is that shampoo?”