He snapped his gaze to hers again. “If you flee, I will hunt you, Miranda. So, I suggest you come willingly.”

Hoo boy, was she willing! His voice was that sultry low rumble that made her mind turn to mush, and suddenly, she wanted to run just to find out what hunting her entailed. She’d run from him and her memories of Earth at the same time. See which one would catch her first.

“If you desire to be of use, simply continue your chatter.”

Her eyes widened. “Continue my chatter?”

Govek went tense but grumbled. “Your voice is pleasant.”

His warmth was making her dizzy. “You like my voice?” As much as she liked his? “Well, chattering at you is something I can handle.” She shot him a giddy smile, delighted by his admission. “I’ve been told by a few people I talk too much. Anything else you want me to handle?”

His eyes widened and Miranda realized far too late what she’d insinuated, but she wasn’t about to take it back. Even as she grappled with the fact that he was a completely different species from her.

But he wasn’t that different. Not really. She focused on his large hands under hers. They were built the same. Five fingers. Opposable thumbs. Knuckles and nails. His pinky had untucked from his fist, revealing the long, black claw. She reached out to touch it.

And it shot back into his hand.

Miranda gasped and gripped his hand for a better look. He jerked, wrenching his hands away, and barreled to his feet in shock.

Her eyes were still on his hand, which was now back to black, blunted nails.

“You have retractable claws?”

“I will not harm you.”

“Can I see them?” she asked, fascinated.

“What?” The word came out strangled, almost a wheeze.

“Can I see your hand?” She’d seen characters in movies with retractable claws like that but had never dreamed it could be a reality.

He hesitated and drew in a long breath. “You need not concern yourself. I will not harm you with them.”

“I didn’t think you would. It’s just cool.”

Confusion furrowed his brow, and his shoulders relaxed. “Cool? Are you cold?”

A little snort of laughter left her lips. “No, no. I meant interesting. Neat. I want to see them closer. Will you let me?”

Govek hesitated, thinking. Then he kneeled down on one knee. He was so big, even in this position. He examined her face for another moment, as if looking for any hint of anxiety, or perhaps trying to hide away his own.

He held up his left hand and slowly extended the claws.

They appeared like pointed acrylics, if acrylics were as sharp as surgical blades, jet black, and were around two inches long.

She carefully took his hand and heard his breath hitch, but she ignored it. His claws came from underneath his actual fingernails. The space between his fingertip and first knuckle was long enough to accommodate them.

“Can you retract?”

He huffed and obliged. They disappeared into his hands, and only a slight indent showed against his green skin. She traced the indent. There was a slight difference in firmness. “Does it hurt?”


Miranda looked up at his bewildered expression and wished she had a camera so she could immortalize it. It made him look almost soft. Cute. “I mean, what would happen if your hand got crushed? Would they cut you from the inside?”

He flinched his head back slightly, blinking. “Woman, I suspect if my hands were crushed, I would be more worried about my bones than my claws.”

She quirked a smile. “Probably.” She tipped his hand over and placed hers to his. It was twice the size of her own. In fact, his torso, as a whole, seemed to be disproportionately larger than his lower half.