Though... for the life of him, he could not recall any being on Faeda ever having such powerful skills.
It didn’t matter if he understood it or not. His life depended on her.
“H-hurry,” he managed, closing his eyes. He wouldn’t be able to blink in a moment and he didn’t want to be trapped with them open. “Water.”
He heard the wind in the trees, the fidgeting of the woman as she got a little closer. The frigid grip of numbness sliced over his senses. Filling out his chest. Pulling down his limbs. He could not even feel the air going into his nose and throat. The only way he knew he still breathed was by the simple fact that he hadn’t passed out yet.
And he would soon.
Panic raged through him and it hardly registered because he was already so fucking gone. At least he could still hear.
“Huh. Well, this is suddenly boring.”
Govek wished he couldn’t hear after all.
Though, he supposed now would be the time she would bring out her cohorts, and he’d learn the truth of how she had gotten here. One mystery solved before he breathed his last.
“Should I continue on without you? But like... where?”
She didn’t know where to go?
“I’mma get so lost if I go anywhere. I’ve never had good navigational skills to begin with. Though I guess since I don’t really have a destination, I can’t get lost. Hm, kinda tricky, that one. Can you get lost if you have nowhere to go?”
What was she rambling about now? Was no one coming to fetch her?
Was she . . . really alone?
As alone as he was?
“This is an awfully nice dream, but it’s a little cold. And I’d rather be completely distracted.”
Completely distracted from what?
“Dreaming about you just lying here isn’t exciting enough. Maybe I should fathom up a carnival next?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
This was it. He was going to die. He was going to suffocate next to a crazy woman who thought she was in a fucking dream.
Her dream. His nightmare.
“Hm, not working.”
Was she honestly trying to create entertainment for herself?
“I’d rather you just wake up, though. You can get up now.”
Sure, I’ll get right on that.
“No seriously. Get up.” There was another pause. “You’re worse. Why are you getting worse? Why can’t I control anything?”
He raged with the need to yell at her and yank her from her insanity.
If she hadn’t come here to kill or capture him, then she should hurry up and save him.
“I really don’t want to be alone.”
If she didn’t want to be alone, she needed to go get the fucking water.