“Too far.” Govek said slowly and her heart sank. “The lands through which we must travel to reach my cousin at Baelrok Forge are war torn and ravaged.”
“Oh.” Who was she kidding? They might not even survive the incoming blizzard.
“We... will have to stop for supplies at my former clan.”
She blinked. “Stop for supplies at your... you mean the Rove one you mentioned?”
“Yes,” he said firmly, picking up the pace, making it obvious he didn’t want to give more details.
But she wanted them. “That’s your clan? That’s where you are from?”
Silence bloomed between them, broken only by the sound of their feet crunching in the leaves and the tension rising at the back of Miranda’s throat.
“It is not my clan any longer. My original plan was to join Warlord Karthoc at his forge.”
His original plan. Miranda felt sick.
“You mean to war?”
God, was she going to lose him, too?
Govek tightened his grip on her hand. “My cousin’s forge has many positions. I will try to convince him to put me in one that does not see much battle.”
That was not reassuring. “Govek, couldn’t we just talk to the seer and then leave? Go somewhere that isn’t in the middle of the war? Or send him a message to meet us somewhere safe?”
She felt him gulp as his lower jaw began to tuck up, but he didn’t speak.
“What about Rove Wood Clan? Are they at war too?” How long did she have to brace herself before being thrust into turmoil all over again?
“We are not staying at Rove Wood Clan,” Govek said with such vehemence that she felt a zing of anxiety spike down her spine. “We will not even interact with any of them.”
Miranda gulped hard. “Are they cruel? Would they hurt us? Me?”
“I would not allow them to harm you.” His tone was adamant enough that she relaxed. His pace slowed. “And they wouldn’t wish too. Human women are precious.”
“But what about you? Would they try to hurt you?”
A tremor passed through him. Rippling over his skin and darkening his eyes.
Her heart skittered to a halt. What horrors were haunting his past? What secrets about this Rove Wood Clan was he keeping from her?
Before she could start quizzing him, he said, “We will stay away from them. We need only stay long enough to gather enough supplies for the journey to Baelrok Forge. Ideally, they will not even realize we are there.”
“Uh... how are we going to get supplies from them without talking to them?”
Govek shot her a tense look, and that was all she needed.
“Okay, so let me get this straight. We are about to sneak into a clan of orcs who don’t like you, steal from them, and then head off to another clan that’s in the middle of a war?” Miranda’s stomach felt like a pit. She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry.
“That is . . . basically it.”
“That’s a really bad plan, Govek,” Miranda said, head spinning. “We’re not doing that.”
“There is no other option, Miranda.”
“There’s always another option. What about another clan?”
“The other clans are also at war and are not nearly as fortified as Baelrok Forge.”