She was still here. In his arms.

Her lips grazed his chest and his lungs seized. “Can we lay down?”

Lay down? Govek gulped thickly and smoothed her cloak out so her hot flesh wouldn’t be chilled on the cold, hard ground. He settled them both down, giving her enough slack she could scooch out of his embrace.

But she didn’t. She curled into his frame, her smooth legs twined between his own.

“It’s a good thing you like carrying me around,” she said, her mouth brushing his flesh with each word. “Because I’m not going to be able to move for a while.”

Fuck, he was a beast. “I harmed you. Let me get?—”

She laughed. Blessedlylaughed,and the sound of it choked him. “No, no. The opposite.”

The opposite? If he twisted her statement slightly, it sounded likepraise.

She nestled close. Gentle hands soothing his bare chest. His heart was frantic in his ears as her warmth soaked into his frame.

She wasn’t leaving. There were no harsh words. No sharp criticisms. No disgusted looks.

Instead, when Miranda met his eyes, she appeared blissfully content. Sated.

Govek gulped. “Do you . . . require anything?”

She sighed, as if irritated, and his gut pitched. “I should clean up, but I don’t want to.” Her fingers moved down his cheek to his chest. “Do you want to get up?”

“No.” Moving was the last thing he wanted. “Are you hungry?” The fish had gone black and the nearest spring was much too far for him to get more, but he still had some dried meat in his pack.

“Nope,” she murmured. The sound was muffled against his chest. Her eyes were closed. “I’m sleepy though.”

He relaxed and worked to memorize her perfect face.

Her eyes popped open. “Oh, but are you hungry? You haven’t eaten in days.”

His chest swelled and a shocked chuckle escaped him. “No, I’m well, Miranda. Orcs can go many days without.”

“Doesn’t mean you should, though,” she whispered, back to being drowsy. Her lips pressed into his chest again and he exhaled every drop of tension he had left.

The fire was high. The night had fallen behind the veil of vines, and he would keep her safe. Slowly, he reached to pull his cloak over the top of her. She didn’t reject it. In fact, the added heat relaxed her further.

She pressed her ear to his chest, lids heavy as she listened to the pulse of his heart.

“You will allow me to remain here while you sleep?” He’d never had this joy before. She was bare against his flesh. Vulnerable.

“Of course.” She said it as if it was obvious. As if sleeping in a brutal, violent orc’s arms after being ruthlessly rutted was fucking normal. Even in his clan, conquests returned to Oakwall Village after the rutting.

Only mates stayed.

“You are certain?” he whispered.

She hummed slightly, drowsy, comfortable. Her eyes were shut. Mumbles left her lips, but he couldn’t make them out.

“Sleep,” he begged, and she blessedly obeyed him. Her lovely features went completely slack.

Govek stayed awake, watching her far too late, but eventually followed her under.

And then he rose far too fucking early.

Miranda had barely moved in the night; her ear was still against his heart. Her breathing was slow, steady, and stirred warmth against his chest.