Page 24 of Yours Truly

It’s why I’m terrified to want Trace. To have set my sights on him.

And it’s not for any “he’s out of my league” type of self-loathing bullshit either.

I'm a badass. I know it. If my dad and Juni taught us anything, it’s that nothing attracts people more than confidence.

But Trace is complicated. Something is weighing on him. He has a break in him somewhere that he hasn’t addressed, and I see that manifest in boozing, sleeping around, snarky remarks and now, tattoo mistakes.

I want him. It just might take some… work.

I’m not afraid of a little hard work.

Never have been.

I’m afraid of bad tattoos, soft rock and products labeled both “new” and “improved.” But hard work? Psh. Bring it on.

Especially when the prize is Trace.

God I’d die before I let him hear me say that.

While Bear finishes his sandwich, I change into yoga pants and a crop top, pull my hair into a ponytail, grab my tumbler of water, and head across the way to Dolly’s place.

I promise myself to stick to water instead of the wine, so my secret stays with just my sisters.

I’m not sure I’m ready for Ev to know. She’ll tell Deuce and I think I may die of embarrassment if Deuce knows I like Trace.

It’s so… expected.

In his eyes, I’m probably like every other woman who meets Trace. Immediately falls for him, and doesn't care that he’s an asshole. Though that’s where Deuce would be wrong—if he found out and if he thought that, I mean. Because I didn’t just fall for Trace.

I fell for him when I saw his tattoo of Edgar Allen Poe on a woman’s sideboob years ago. I’ve followed his work online ever since.

“Hey, Ivy,” Ev greets, pulling open the door to her brother’s house. She’s wearing jeans and a white tank top, her feet are bare and her hair is up, but there’s no baby on her hip.

“Where’s Ace?” I ask as I move past her into the house, kicking off my sandals.

Ev closes the door and twists the deadbolt, eyeing my bare feet. “In the playpen napping.” She looks me over. “No boots. You actually wanna be here tonight, hmm?” Her smirk is contagious.

“So you know my trick,” I say, a tiny tinge of guilt swimming down my spine. “You know, it’s not you, it’s not Hudson’s place, it’s not anything but me. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to be… anywhere but my bedroom.”

She touches my arm gently as she smiles. “I completely get it. I’m just giving you a hard time. I’ve been hanging out with Deuce and Trace too much. I’m turning into a shit talker.”

We make our way to the kitchen. “If that’s your shit talk, you’ve got a long way to go.”

Ev plunks down on a barstool and lifts her glass of white wine. “I’m glad. And I’m glad it’s a no-boot night.”

“Me too,” Juni says, appearing from around the corner, a tray of roasted asparagus in her hands.

Bear, Juni and Dolly walked over while I was changing clothes because the guys arrived and goodbyes needed to be said. Even though this is just a couple of hours, Dolly couldn’t go without tonguing Hudson’s face off before they left.

I wonder if Bear even got to say goodbye?

Ev takes a pull of her wine. “Deuce says you’re incredible. And since all I’ve seen today are shapes and colors, please tell me you brought your book with you.”

Blinking, shocked, I cave and pour myself a small glass of wine. Not the size of glass that spills secrets or brings tears, more so, the size that makes your cheeks warm and your tension fade. I take a sip.

“Excuse me,” I draw out. “Did you say Deuce said I’m incredible?” A flush eats up my cheeks, but it’s such a proud moment that I don’t care that Ev sees it. And I certainly don’t hide my emotions from my sisters.

I don’t hide anything from them, and them from me.