Page 26 of Shattered Jewel

Rossi’s lips curve in the barest hint of a smile.

“Are you still after the ruby Heart, Elara?” Tempest asks.

Any softness is ripped from Rossi’s face as he whirls on Tempest. “What did you just say?”

Silence descends, broken only by Kaspian’s labored breathing.

I shuffle back, my gaze darting between Tempest and Rossi. The latter’s face hardens, his eyes narrowing to obsidian slits, and I get the feeling Tempest’s question was made with deliberate timing to alert his leader that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

“The Heart is a dangerous artifact,” Rossi tells me, his voice low and warning. “It’s not something to be trifled with.”

“Oh, so you believe it exists, now?” I swallow after blurting the question, my mouth suddenly dry.

Thankfully, Rossi ignores my sarcasm, his attention fixed on Tempest.

“What are you implying?” His voice is hard as metal, each word sharp as his scalpel.

Tempest holds his ground. “Sarah Anderton’s legendary ruby Heart. Elara’s been asking around about it.”

“And you didn’t think to mention this sooner?” Rossi advances on Tempest, his movements volcanic.

I find my voice, though it wobbles. These are scary men. “What do you know about the Heart?”

They both turn to me, Rossi’s gaze sharpening, Tempest’s lips curving. “Enough to know my warning to you still stands.”

Rossi silences him with a look before recentering on me. “A lot of people who’ve searched for the ruby Heart and its fortune have died, Elara. Whatever Cavanaugh Nightshade has told you, what you think you know, whatever you’re planning, stop. Now.”

“I can’t.” I force my chin up for what I’m about to say next. “I’m not one of you. Or part of the Court. But I’m someone with a vested interest in that ruby.”

I leave out the bombshell that I’m Sarah Anderton’s descendant. If Tempest and Rossi are holding back information, then so will I.

I straighten my spine. “I need it.”

“For what?” Rossi’s voice is low, a mere purr in his chest.

I hesitate, glancing down at Kaspian’s pallid face, his blood staining my fingers. Just last night, I was determined to go against them and find my own answers about the Heart and why it was so important that Maverick had to die for it. Then my mother held a gun, pointed it at Kaspian?—

And I realized I don’t want to be their enemy. I can’t be on the other side of that gun, pulling the trigger against them.

I’ve lost Maverick. I can’t lose…

“To save them,” I whisper.

Tempest barks out a sound close to a laugh, but not quite. He scrubs a tired hand down his face. “Great. Haven’t heard that one before.”

I include both Tempest and Rossi when I say, “The Court is more than just a group of violent men. They’re important to me, however fucked up that might seem to you.”

“Oh, believe me. It makes sense,” Tempest replies dryly. “I have a sister just like you.”

Then Tempest shrugs. “But in defending them, you side with the Court. Kaspian and his brothers are slaves, exactly the way we were, and they do their Court’s bidding.”

At Rossi’s sharp look, Tempest doesn’t explain further, but works his jaw as if he doesn’t enjoy being silenced.

I don’t know what to say to that, so I just nod, my attention drifting back to Kaspian’s unconscious form. His chest rises and falls with steady breaths, but his face is still pale, his features drawn.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Tempest asks at his lowest decibel. “That’s a dangerous fucker who would sooner bite your hand off than cling to it for help.”

“You don’t know what Kaspian’s been through,” I retort, but my voice cracks, desperation leaking through. “Or what I’ve been through. This jewel killed my brother. I have to know why.”