Kaspian presses close, quickening my breath. “And deprive you of our company? Never.”
Pulse hammering, I navigate around the hole. The men follow, their steps precise, efficient. In their element.
Kaspian’s fingers graze the small of my back, as if he can’t resist playing with the thin material of my nightie despite himself.
“Are all the traps so obvious?”
“Only to those who know where to look.” I nod at an innocuous section of wall. “Right, Axe?”
The giant freezes mid-step. He scrutinizes the wall, nostrils flaring. With a grunt, he changes trajectory, avoiding the pressure plate by a hairsbreadth.
“Well done,” I praise, fighting a grin. “Seems you boys are quick studies.”
“We have incentive,” Wilder says, his teeth flashing again. “A witch’s favor is a rare gift.”
“Who says you’ve earned it?”
“Haven’t we?” He spreads his arms, encompassing the traps they’ve breached. “We’ve danced to your tune admirably.”
I pause before an innocuous door, hand on the knob. “One last challenge, then. Make it through this room unscathed, and perhaps you’ll get your reward.”
Kaspian leans a shoulder on the wall, arms crossed. “You enjoy playing with us.”
“You make it so easy.” I wink, pretending that’s how it is between us, then twist the knob.
The door swings open, hinges shrieking. Darkness yawns beyond the threshold.
I gesture grandly. “After you.”
Axe moves first, his tall form slipping into the black.
Kaspian follows, silent as a wraith. Wilder throws me a heated glance before he too is swallowed.
Cav remains, gaze intent upon my face. “And what of my prize, butterfly?”
“You assume you’ve won it.”
“I’m a very determined man.” He invades my space, his warmth engulfing me. “And I always collect on my debts.”
My breath stutters. “Do you?”
“Yes.” His lips hover over mine, a whisper of contact. “And you owe me.”
He claims my mouth in a harsh kiss, his tongue delving deep. I moan, clutching his shoulders. He grips my hips, grinding me against the hard ridge of his arousal.
A curse shatters the air, followed by a tremendous crash.
We wrench apart. My lips tingle, bruised from his assault. Cav’s eyes glitter in the dark, a panther deprived of his meal.
“Really?” Wilder barks from the room. “A fucking bear trap?”
Chapter 23
Wilder circles the deadly sharp maw of the bear trap in the center of the room and lets out a low whistle. “Sweetwitch’s mama is full of surprises.”