Page 67 of Reign

The voice tickles at my nape, spiking the hairs there, sending ice picks under my skin.

Reluctantly, I turn. “Sabine.”

“I believe, as a Virtue, you are to refer to me as your queen.” She steps up beside me, pretending as much interest in the figures on the dance floor as I am. “I wonder if I could speak with you in private for a moment.”

“Not on your life.”

“That’s fair.” Sabine’s lips quirk. “Perhaps you’ll be willing to join me on the fringes instead. There’s much we have to discuss.”

“I don’t negotiate with murderers.”

“Aren’t you curious as to why I’ve allowed you to come this far?”

“Allowed,” I echo. Unable to contain myself, I turn to her. “What’s that supposed to mean? That you could’ve killed me at any time up until this moment?”

“Well, yes.” Sabine smiles, her eyes lighting up with the malicious intent behind her grin. “But that’s not what I’m referring to. I’ll ask you one more time. Join me.”

She tips her head, motioning toward the far wall. I debate for a few seconds, well aware of my penchant for needing answers, then follow her to the far reaches of the room.

I look over my shoulder just once, in time to catch Chase clocking my movements. His focus makes me feel better, knowing despite our differences, he cares about my outcome.

Or merely waits for another chance to sabotage me.

“There now,” Sabine says once we’ve settled against the wall. Both of us hold flutes of champagne. Neither of us drink from them. “I trust you enjoyed the robing ceremony.”

I stare at the shallow cut on my wrist, sliced diagonally and now clotted with dried blood. It still smarts. “I wouldn’t call it a happy experience.”

“You would have preferred Chase to be the one to welcome you,” Sabine surmises, a confident curve to her mouth. “Alas, he is of his own mind and is determined to prevent you from reaching your full potential.”

Frowning, I spin the flute’s stem between my fingers. “And you want me to be at my fullest potential?”

“Indeed I do. I realize how unconvincing that may seem, what with Ivy’s short life so fresh in your mind.”

She speaks of ending Ivy’s life like she’d ask for a second glass of champagne, and I’m reminded of how dangerous she is, even while in public, mingling with her own kind. There’s nothing to stop her from unsheathing the same dagger and stabbing me between the ribs, in front of everyone, their coveted membership to the Nobles and Virtues swearing them into painful silence.

But how excruciating would it be for them? The benefits of the Cloaks are extraordinary. Surreal. Limitless and empowering.

My life—Ivy’s life—seems paltry compared to all that.

Shit, what am I doing?

“You may also be wondering why I haven’t harmed you,” Sabine continues, choosing to run her finger along the rim of her glass rather than look at me. “It’s simple, really. I feel like you and I can still reach an agreement. I’d rather have my enemy on my side rather than just dispose of them.”

My grip tightens dangerously around crystal stem. “I’ll never team up with you for anything. Ever.”

“Think wisely, my dear. You have the bloodline to run the Virtues, but no clue how to invoke that right. There’s no family tree to point to, no physical evidence to showcase in front of our members.”

That’s what you think. Give me time, bitch.

“In any case, there’s that pesky medical history you possess that discredits anything you might bring to the table.”

I stiffen.

“I want to work with you, Callie. Ivy was a warning, it’s true, and Chase would’ve been a better lesson, but with my hold over the Nobles tiring, new blood needs to step in and keep up the strength of the Virtues. We’re better than the Nobles. Quieter, deadlier, smarter. If only you could see that and understand that all I wanted from your mother, from you, is cooperation to keep our strength going.”

“Strength and power don’t include rape,” I spit. “Which is exactly what you’re doing to your so-called princesses. Harming them, fucking up their psyches, and all for what? Money?”

“No, dear. It’s true we’ve only known each other a short while, but surely I’ve left enough of a powerful impression for you to realize my true nature.”