“Garcia didn’t want a trial with his best friend testifying against him,” Astor continues. “So he agreed to a guilty plea.”
“All gibberish to me,” I say.
“They’re guilty as sin. And they’re going to pay for it,” Astor says.
“Says the lawyer defending them,” I say wryly.
At that, Astor tosses me another shrug.
Okay, then.
“Dudes.” I turn to the room. “Burgers. Before they’re cold and I throw you all off the balcony for letting them sit there.”
Lily finds my pants and pulls. “Except you,” I say as I lift her into my arms. “You get first pick.”
“That’s right, honey pot.”
Everyone shuffles to a stand, but are halted by Ben’s sudden, booming voice.
“Wait. We have an announcement to make.”
I pause in chopping up a patty one-handed with a spatula, Lily wriggling for a bite.
“There’s a reason I’ve asked you all to my place,” Ben continues. He looks to Astor, puts a hand around her waist, and says, “We wanted to tell you all, together, that—well, that we’re together. Astor and I.”
Silence. Lily babbles something.
Then, I say, “Who wanted the bare burger again?”
“Me,” Carter says and sidles up to the island with a plate. “If I eat any more cheese on that platter you made, I’ll become a mouse.”
“There ya go.” I plop one on her plate.
“Fuck, I’m starving,” Locke says, kissing Carter’s temple as he passes. “Gimme.”
East follows suit.
“Uh, guys?” Astor asks.
We all turn from our food, an epic feat.
“What?” Locke says with his mouthful.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Ben asks.
I shout at the top of my lungs, “Fuckin’ FINALLY!”
Lily seconds my cheer, and I flinch at Carter’s glare, but everyone else claps. Lily takes up the applause by taking the spatula from my hand and slamming it repeatedly on the countertop.
And those poor, sweet, stupid souls over there, the pair of them, are dumbfounded.
“It was a waiting game,” East says, the first to feel sorry for Astor and Ben. “We actually had bets. Who won, anyway?”
“Me,” I say. “Always me.”
“No one’s mad?” Astor asks.