Page 85 of To Have and to Hold

I started to drive home the fact that Abrams was inordinately interested in Emme the day he met her but was interrupted by a uniformed cop who came up to Knox and said, “Sorry for the intrusion, but Abrams isn’t home.”

I looked from the cop to Knox.

Knox responded, “You tried his office? Cell? Secretary?”

“Yep. No one can find him.”

“All right. Get the guys in order and spread the word we’re conducting a task force meeting at the precinct in ten minutes.”

“Sure thing.”

I waited for the cop to be out of hearing distance—and all the others that had gathered around Knox’s and my verbal lawn brawl. “So, you believed me.”

Knox snorted. “I told them to check Abrams’s whereabouts the instant you flung yourself into a burning building.”

“I shouldn’t’ve doubted you.”

“Nah, you should definitely doubt me. But where the hell else are we gonna go after this?”

I asked, “Is Abrams’s wife home?”

Knox glanced over his shoulder, likely trying to find where the patrol cop went. “Probably. We can ask. Why?”

I turned toward the street. “Let’s start with her.”